Americans are in a precarious position with regard to their own government. America has an empire, but the empire hates the Americans – largely using them as tax serfs to fund failed social programs at home and failed wars of choice overseas. If anything, the American people are an obstacle to the aims of the American Empire.
The American citizenry is one thing most of the rest of the world isn’t: A threat to the American empire. The massive reaction by globalist elites to Donald Trump shows just how particularly thin-skinned they are about peasant rebellions at home. And constant attacks on Second Amendment have failed to disarm the American middle class.[1]
Mr. Jacobs discusses the way in which changes in the lethality of military technology affect the power balance between ruler and ruled. Even armed Americans face overwhelmingly superior combat power in the hands of the state. The state has so far resorted to something short of a direct takeover but the betrayal of the constitutional scheme at the hands of the Congress, the president, and the Supreme Court has been ongoing for over a century and satisfactory to all but the most impatient of our domestic enemies. The end result of that is that now centralized political and judicial power is just as lethal as high explosives and super-accurate weaponry . . . and more cost effective, as Jacobs makes clear in his discussion of lockdowns targeting millions of small businesses and unrestrained street thuggery as an explicit threat to what remains of the yeoman class.
Violence against the American population, moreover, is problematic as members of our military may be willing to chase the Taliban in distant mountains but bombarding Omaha will not sit well with the servicemen with family in the target area.
Too, foreign military adventures can still rely on intact manufacturing and distribution systems but unpopular operations against the citizenry will not have that luxury. Rail lines, fiber optic cables, bridges, pipelines, power lines and transformer stations would require enormous manpower to secure. And truck drivers and other key people in the transportation system are unlikely to cooperate with serious attacks on the population. Not to mention the economic fragility of the nation given the gross mismanagement of the treason class. Our impressive organs of repression cannot depend on the robustness that existed in the Depression when some 60% of the population still lived on farms and had a modicum of independence from The Grid.
Even the inherently repressive or unequal feudal system involved a strong possibility of effective government that paid more than lip service to the notion of salus populi. We can discuss when and how that did not obtain then but one thing that is not true now is that our federal government is sincerely concerned for the welfare of the American people. It is not. It’s business is all about the foulest betrayal. And business is very, very good.
We’ll see how this all plays out if or when the clowns decide to make a move and order the military to take the field again a la Gen. Sherman some time ago. The vulnerability of complex systems to foot dragging and creative interruption will be tested.
[1] “A Distributed Capacity for Violence: A Brief History of Weapons Technology and Political Power.” By Sam Jacobs,, 10/27/21 (?).