Day Off

     We’re doing a little celebrating at the Fortress today, so I shan’t be posting one of my “traditional” (i.e., interminable) pieces. However, do have a look at this Deanna Fisher piece at Victory Girls. She cites a terrific example of a process that’s been in process for quite some time now, summarized in this tweet from the Dishonorable Pramila Jayapal (D, WA):

Student debt cancellation is racial justice.
Student debt cancellation is gender justice.
Student debt cancellation is economic justice.
— Pramila Jayapal (@PramilaJayapal) April 16, 2022

     Do those sentiments attach to any notion of “justice” with which you’re familiar, Gentle Reader?

     It has been said, and truly, that “Debts are always paid: if not by the borrower, then by the lender.” There is no escaping payment. This is written into the laws of the universe. The sole question is upon whom the burden will fall. But that’s almost tangential to the larger point.

     Two bedrock concepts in American political thought underpin every other idea upon which our nation was based:

  1. Rights,
  2. Justice.

     Once those two concepts have been destroyed, so has America. The Left has been laboring diligently at their destruction for decades. I trust I need not write another dissertation about this. I’ve already done that several times.

     Beware, Gentle Reader. Never let anyone get away with using the word rights to mean anything but the rights to life, liberty, and honestly acquired property. Never let anyone get away with using the word justice to mean anything but the defense of individuals’ rights, whether formal or informal. (“Justice” with a preceding modifier is injustice. Full stop.)

     When you witness any misuse of either word, it’s enough to interject loudly, “You don’t understand rights (or justice).” Then walk away in an open show of contempt. There’s no point arguing with a Pramila Jayapal. They just scream “racist!” or some other pejorative, so why bother? Just walk away.

     Have a nice day.


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    • SteveF on April 18, 2022 at 7:35 AM

    When you witness any misuse of either word, it’s enough to interject loudly, “You don’t understand rights (or justice).”

    I usually say, “You’re a liar or a fool.”

    1. That works. 😊

        • SteveF on April 18, 2022 at 2:34 PM

        I also stare at people and say, “You’re kind of stupid, aren’t you?”

        Feel free to consult with me for advice on all of your interpersonal interaction needs.

        1. I’ll bet you always leave the house heavily armed, don’t you? 😉

            • SteveF on April 18, 2022 at 4:08 PM

            Define “heavily”.

            In the early 1990s the 6 o’clock news had a report on a bank robbery. “The suspects are still at large, heavily armed with .357 and 9mm handguns.” I looked at my brother and his friend and said, “Heavily armed? I carry that plus a big knife to go grocery shopping.”

          1. Well, given your recently announced preferences in, ah, rhetorical interchange, I have an image of you tooling around with an M249 and a backpack nuke.

    • Jimmy on April 20, 2022 at 1:27 PM

    I agree that with these people, there’s no willingness on their part to truly discuss, they prefer virtue signaling and emoting.  The best course of action is mocking and dismissing them.  I make a point of mocking them, and turning my back to them and leaving while they attempt a retort.

    Nothing enrages them more.  Which is the point.

    Yes, I’m heavily armed as well.

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