Here Comes Another One (Just Like The Other One)

     Yes, today will be yet another day of long-distance driving, sitting in a surgical waiting room, and generally agonizing over the well-being of the C.S.O. So there’ll be nothing from me this morning. Perhaps later. Have a nice day, Gentle Reader.


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  1. God’s will be done, hopefully leading to an improvement of. the C.S.O.’s condition.

    I miss announcement posts on Gab. Since I’m one of only a few people who reads them, I’m not surprised, but I still miss them. My “Francis Porretto” list, containing only you, is my first visit in the morning, while breakfast is cooking.

    1. I got tired of Gab, Bill. Frankly, I don’t think social media of any sort are “my thing.”

      Concerning today’s medical visit, things are looking up. Beth still has some months of healing and facial reconstruction ahead, but her surgeon believes that from here forward, it will go smoothly.

      1. Glad to hear that Beth is healing.

        Not surprised that you’re tired of Gab. I don’t go there as often as I once did. Just post memes and check for links to your essays. I’ll get to them via the RSS feed from now on.

    • Daniel K Day on March 21, 2023 at 11:14 AM

    Prayers for a speedy and pain-free recovery.

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