Authoritarian impulses are not confined to any political party. Indeed, politics is a magnet for people who want power over others. But what conduces to the increase of power? What could persuade ordinary, supposedly freedom-loving Americans to accept a fascist in the White House?
Tucker Carlson will tell you:
That is absolutely correct. Hearken to these exhortations to dictatorship, offered to Franklin D. Roosevelt early in his first term as president:
“Even the iron hand of a national dictator is preferable to a paralytic stroke.” – Alf Landon, governor of Kansas and 1936 candidate for President, in a letter to newly elected president Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1933
“If this nation ever needed a Mussolini, it needs one now.” – David Reed, United States Senator of Pennsylvania, on the floor of the Senate, 1933
Those two men were Republicans.
Chaos is the power-seeker’s best friend. Remember Rahm Emanuel? If not, here’s his most chilling statement:
You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before. – Rahm Emanuel
The chaos currently blanketing our nation – especially our larger cities – is not accidental; it is the deliberately fomented tool of those who seek to rule absolutely and unboundedly. If you truly want your freedom back, you, your neighbors, and the like-minded throughout this country must create order. But that would put you in opposition to the principal agent of our contemporary chaos: “your” government. It will hasten to negate your efforts – with violence.
Think about it.
1 comment
Oh, you may recall what I’ve long recommended. Choose Heinlein’s razor over Hanlon’s: it’s sharper.
The primary remaining public office places where stupidity explains things is where those in power deliberately hired the stupid and sat back to enjoy what entertainment followed.