The Grinding Of The Axes

     If you enjoy theological and spiritual reading, as I do, you’re likely to run across the occasional dubious statement in the work of some writer overly ardent for his Cause. Religious writers have their agendas, as do we all. Occasionally their eagerness to advance those agendas moves them to say something that’s not quite right…and at other times, to distort an important part of history or Church teachings. Consider the following:

     Now we all know the harm and very serious results of anger. There is no example that makes clearer its ruinous effects than the Crucifixion of Our Lord… [from Rooting Out Hidden Faults]

     Does anyone really think the Sanhedrin wanted Christ crucified, and that the Roman occupation force executed Him, because they were angry at Him? He was a threat to their power, which was founded on the maintenance of Judaic orthodoxy. From the records, Pontius Pilate, the Roman executive who ordered the Crucifixion, did so to placate the Sanhedrin, whose cooperation was vital to maintaining Roman control of Judea. Anger had nothing to do with it.

     Yes, an uncontrolled propensity to anger is a fault, but let’s keep the records straight. Let’s not distort history in service to some unrelated agenda. What’s next? Opposing Christ’s teachings because they’d cost us votes? Oh, wait…