I refer to sitting in front of my laptop, endlessly following threads of discussion, leaping from link to link.
But, in the process, you do sometimes find gems:
- Such as this useful explanation of how a person fought back against the Cancel Culture. I’ve generally found these Quillette posts to be more thoughtful than most, even if coming from the Left.
- Naturally, the Judge is a Texan. TX citizens do not fear the Federal Government; perhaps that’s an artifact of their history as an independent republic.
- I just love that phrase “Bless Your Heart”. It SOUNDS like the speaker is a nice person, and yet, for those knowing the code (HINT: just about everyone south of the Mason-Dixon line, plus the savvier Yankees), it slams the object of the distain quite neatly.
- Bookroom says it all – and note that nifty graphic; it would make a nice addition to the workplace bulletin board, classroom wall, or desktop wallpaper.
- Self-Sufficiency is the answer for a lot of problems.
3:55 pm – I finally got off my butt, and got to work. I’m posting this, and will see if I can stay off the Net for a while.