I’m torn when it comes to playing The Mamas and The Papas songs.
On one hand, the sleaziness of John Phillips is almost beyond belief – even for a Rock & Roll group leader. I won’t go into a discussion of the details, suffice to say that it’s a very sordid and – for Mackenzie Phillips, sad story.
The music is breathtakingly beautiful, mixing folk, rock, and old-time musical style influences in one of the most recognizable of the 60’s sounds.
But, enough of nostalgia – on to current events and commentary!
If The Left could figure out a way to kill of The Deplorables by COVID, without risking their own health, is there anyone who would doubt they’d do it? Such a position is probably why they resisted all of Trump’s efforts to fast-track the search for a vaccine (several different types came out of that push), and distribute it.
Despite that deliberate foot-dragging, Trump managed to get the vaccines ready for delivery and in the arms of those needing protection. And, then, the mistakes/deliberate sabotage began, making the Official Narrative of Trump Couldn’t Even Manage a Simple Roll-Out the Talking Point of the early Biden administration.
The individual states SHOULD have had their prioritizing of the to-be-vaccinated people in place – they could have been doing that, rather than huffing about “That Man!” for months.
The medical/nursing/health care community should have had plans in place, with teams ready to go into action, as soon as the vaccines became available.
Amazon COULD have volunteered their delivery support earlier than they did (they didn’t bother until after Biden was sworn in).
The airlines could have prepared their underused planes to ferry the shipments to drop points, and trained the crews on handling the meds appropriately.
Instead, this became a scramble that the individual states had to manage – and, it’s pretty clear, by now, that SOME governors are more competent than others. I’m proud to announce that WV, the state my father grew up in, is the BEST at distribution, with about 10% of the population already injected.
Naturally, states like NY and CA are failing miserably. In one case, workers who made a judgement call to use some leftover vaccine on people who weren’t on the list, are facing potential felony charges.
One New York health-care network that briefly offered vaccinations to elderly New Yorkers who weren’t in the highest priority group is now under investigation by the state police and the department of health for “health-care fraud.”
There are even more terrifying abuses of power that target health care workers.
In a classic case of “elite panic,” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced an executive order threatening any health-care provider that administers the vaccine to an unapproved person with a $1 million fine and the loss of medical licenses. With the state’s infection rate surging beyond even last spring’s horrific levels, the governor decided to focus on menacing providers who vaccinate too broadly. Doubling down, he also threatened providers with $100,000 fines if they don’t administer their vaccines fast enough.
One way or another, Cuomo will bring those “wreckers” to account!
The Faux Administration continues the Graft-Seeking Opportunities (GSO) that were so ubiquitous during the Obama years. They’re not even TRYING to hide it anymore.
Here are some links:
Frank Biden advertises for clients who want a ‘connected guy’.
James Biden, even before the election results, knew The Fix was in.
And, in weather/family news, my Chicago-based daughter is just about snowed in. The Cleveland family reports – so far – that the snow has not reached their location.
1 comment
Sadly missing the iconic, towering voice of Cass Elliott, this is a top-notch cover of California Dreaming. So listen without angst…
Foxes and Fossils, a splendid cover band
I’ve been reading for a while, but rarely comment. Music can drive me to it.