The Petty, vain, venal, neurotic, obsessive, corrupt and cowardly denizens of our national political apparatus inherited the greatest concentration of wealth, industry, goodwill, and military power in 6000 years of history and squandered it in a single generation.
They believe themselves superior.[1]
People intend the natural consequences of their acts.
[1] Comment by gcjohns1971 on “‘A Tale Told By An Idiot’: The Second Impeachment Of Donald Trump.” By Martin Sieff, ZeroHedge, 2/21/21.
I only wish I could provide an argument to that but you have it nailed .
I wish I could claim credit for that particular formulation. It does capture the madness of “our” throwing out something workable in favor of something mysterious.
I enjoy keeping my 32-y-o Honda going. It works, as in, “works.” Like me, it’s got a few dings but I love that automobile for the service it has rendered me. I have to chase zombie drains, failed sensors, cracked distributor caps, main relays with iffy circuits, and subversive spark plugs from time to time but I have no desire to pour fossil fuel on it and set it on fire. The state of “no functioning automobile” strikes me as a strange thing to work at bringing about.
I’m all in favor of beneficial change but I don’t get the left’s fanatic devotion to the adage, “All change is good.”