I have a number of things to attend to this morning, but I do have something to “tide you over.” The collection of links below presents a convincing picture of Left-wing panic and the reasons for it:
- Here’s why we know the 2020 election was stolen.
- Maricopa County continues to stall Arizona Election Audit
- Michingan doesn’t like people who question the 2020 election.
- The Usurpers are terrified of Pennsylvania conducting an audit.
- RINOs don’t like audits either.
Well-verified evidence that the elections in six states were corrupted by fake ballots, multiple-counting of votes, deliberate invalidation of votes for President Trump, and votes by non-citizens will present the Usurper Regime with a serious problem: It will have lost all pretense to a “right to govern.” However, it will also present Us the Patriots of America with an equally serious problem: What can we do about it?
It has already been noted that once a president has been inaugurated, there is only one non-electoral method for removing him from office: impeachment by the House of Representatives, followed by conviction by a two-thirds majority of the Senate. That remedy is unlikely to be applied. What, then, must we do?
I shall refrain from making any “insurrectionary” suggestions. But would such a suggestion really come as a surprise, Gentle Reader?
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No surprise here Francis. It may come to that point, however. When the majority (dare I say white) is constantly told of their “privilege,” with the indoctrination of school kids with CRT, with the constant reminder of “white supremacy,” with the attacks on citizens and businesses by BLM/antifa, when will the majority feel their backs are against the wall and have nothing to lose? Sad to say, that reckoning is on the horizon, and January 6th will look like a Sunday school picnic by comparison.
It has already been noted that once a president has been inaugurated, there is only one non-electoral method for removing him from office: impeachment by the House of Representatives, followed by conviction by a two-thirds majority of the Senate. That remedy is unlikely to be applied. What, then, must we do?
Well, not exactly. There’s another method that has been used to remove a president a few times in history, most recently in 1963. It’s pretty nasty and has the paradoxical after effect of strengthening the president’s party. The only ones who make out well are the dry cleaners.
Well, yes, but that’s a “cure worse than the disease” approach. But you know, Si, I don’t expect Biden to last. Those around him are already maneuvering to replace him around mid-term.
Your point is well take Francis but the cure is in now way worse than the disease – it is simply unpalatable. Also unpalatable is the line of succession after Xiden. Sadly it just gets worse after him.
For proper remedial action, refer to The Declaration of Independence; clear, succinct, applicable to current conditions. All that remains is the knotty problem of proper application.
I believe the Government still has enough competent forces to put down the coming insurrection. And the one after that. And the one after that too. But each cycle will degrade their capabilities, and factional disputes will lead to internecine conflicts with forcible removal of Leftist politicians – by other Leftists. (Blamed, of course, on the usual forces of the “Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy” ™). The Government will not be able to retain their capabilities as they use them to suppress internal conflicts.
Right now, there are more than 85 civilian Government departments that have armed security forces, including Social Security. The Department of Education, and NOAA (The weather people ???#!@!@) Those internal security forces will become less competent and less reliable as they align with different factions. Watch for “Blue-on-Blue” incidents.
The Government will reach a condition where they cannot enforce the orders that they give, and everybody will be aware of it. That is where things come to a sudden end. That is where “Patriot” insurrections will appear to be successful. It will be most prudent to stay out of the cross-fire.
There is no “cure” in sight. The disease will run its’ course to economic collapse and civil war. What comes afterwards will be very different that the America that we imagine we lost.
I’ll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I’ll get on my knees and pray
We don’t get fooled again
The Fed has NO “right to govern.”
They’re my EMPLOYEES, even if they think they’re my masters.