It’s Time For Body Armor, Gentle Readers

     For more than a year, we were told that it was legally and morally imperative that we:

  • Wear face masks;
  • Stay away from one another;
  • Stay away from churches, concerts, sports events, etc.

     All this for an infectious disease no more dangerous than common influenza.

     Then came the “vaccines.” For reasons too numerous to recount here, a great many people distrust them. (Full disclosure: I’m one.) But the Usurpers are determined that we will all be vaccinated with these revolutionary concoctions that:

  • Use “spike proteins;”
  • Contain “messenger RNA;”
  • Are the products of pharmaceutical companies that are legally shielded against lawsuits should the vaccines prove damaging to the recipients.

     But people distrust them! I don’t need to imagine why.

     No doubt you’re aware of the Usurper Regime’s plan to have doorknockers blanket the U.S. in search of vaccine-resisters to browbeat. And you may remember this…person, who thinks your Fourth Amendment rights should be dismissed in the name of “public health.” Well, once again courtesy of CNN, we’ve learned that he has a confrere:

     CNN has gone completely Communist. Individual Americans, in their view, have no rights whatsoever should the State choose to declare an “emergency.” If there’s a next step, it might be that the doorknockers should be accompanied by deputy sheriffs authorized to use force on the unwilling. Or perhaps the federal government should commission a fleet of drones that would seek out the unvaccinated and fire vaccine-filled darts at them.

     These are the wages of broadcast journalism. It was never about disseminating news about the events of the hour, but about forming public opinion according to the preferences of the media’s owners. Now we have proof.

     Have a nice day.


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    • Max Wiley on July 11, 2021 at 8:36 AM

    “Now we have ‘more’  proof.”

    Fixed it for you.

    As if, after the past 5 years, the Matrix could get any MORE visible. I guess some people are still waking up, though, so these continued little obvious tells are useful.

    • NITZAKHON on July 11, 2021 at 8:40 AM

    Or perhaps the federal government should commission a fleet of drones that would seek out the unvaccinated and fire vaccine-filled darts at them.

    I’d say don’t give them ideas, but I have no doubt such has already occurred to them.  They’re maniacal and evil, but not stupid.


    • SWVaguy on July 11, 2021 at 8:25 PM

    Taping this on my front door.  If that doesn’t work I’ll fake a coughing fit.

    • Stuart on July 12, 2021 at 12:03 PM

    Well, Slo Joe did say to just shoot through the door.

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