I Thought Last Week Was Tough!

Don’t get me wrong. Some parts of it were fine.

I stated the pre-AEP Season mostly READY to go. Actual AEP signup starts 10/15, this Saturday. For two frenzied months, agents can sign you up for health insurance or changes.

On Thursday, I was anticipating a restful evening, kicking back and watching Cleveland battle the Yankees in the playoffs. But, my dog wanted to get out, so I leashed him up before starting to prepare dinner.

Then, all hell broke loose.

On the way back to the house, a large dog ran across the street to attack my BichonPoo (about 20 pounds, counting all the fur). He picked him up by the throat, and shook him like a rag doll. He only let go when a passing Good Samitarian stopped his truck, grabbed a metal cane, and beat him off my dog.

i hurried home to call the vet. My sweet Samaritan called the police. All together, I spent around 6 hours in the doggie ER, waiting for him to get shaved, sutured, and medicated. The last hour, we were just waiting for him to wake up from the anesthesia.

He’s mostly been sleeping. Not much interest in moving around. My daughter arrives this afternoon and will be watching him while I’m working. I’m exhausted too. It will be nice to watch the third game of the playoffs with her.


    • jwm on October 15, 2022 at 8:49 AM

    OH NO!
    I can only imagine how traumatic. I lost a beloved cat to an owl some years back. It still hurts when I think about it. Hope your dogger recovers.
    God Bless.

  1. Oh man, Linda, hoping and praying that yer doggo comes through it OK in the long run.  My doggo from some years past (RIP Bomber) got tore up from the floor up by a savage untrained Chow Chow… many many stitches and such whatnot and worries he’d not make it.  Glad to hear he made it and hoping he recovers fully.

    • Xzebek on October 15, 2022 at 9:31 PM

    I hope your dog recovers quickly either no residual bad effects. 
    Give the dog treats and belly rubs.

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