The C.S.O. and I usually watch British murder mysteries and police procedurals in the evening. (We subscribe to Acorn and BritBox.) By and large, they’re exactly what they’re billed to be. However, the more recent ones have been displaying a certain “tilt,” in particular toward the two features the Left has been touting most heavily: “multiculturalism” and climate alarmism. Nearly every series we’ve viewed for some time now has included:
- Interracial couples;
- Homosexual protagonists and couples;
- Muslims in positions of responsibility for public order;
- Windmills.
It’s irritating. It makes me want to turn off the Idiot Box and just listen to the C.S.O.’s rather impressive snore. But the worst aspect of it is the endless parade of those bloody windmills. I can’t remember the last segment of anything that didn’t include windmills, usually some detective driving through a large field of them. Which makes the following tweet a real blood pressure elevator:
Climate Scam: Scotland’s wind turbines have been secretly using diesel generators. 🤡
— Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis (@DrLoupis) May 22, 2023
Could it possibly get any more in-your-face? Strike that; don’t tell me. I’ve decided that I don’t really want to know.
We too have enjoyed the Acorn and BritBox murder mysteries. Certainly, much more engaging than most American attempts as of late. You are spot on about the obvious overreach to get social issues and diversity out front and in our faces.
Never have cared much for British programming, with one exception. I was a teenager and had a crush on the lead actress.
It’s been quite a while since I last watched broadcast television. If I want to watch discontinued TV I’ll get paid programming. Even then I have to groan at the crap I use to fill some of my time.
The bread has gotten moldy and the circus has too many clowns.
Evil Franklin
The C.S.O. is a British murder mystery fanatic, and I must admit that most of them are enjoyable. Mostly because the writers pay attention to character development. We don’t get much of that from American mysteries or police procedurals.