Chinese Bio-Terrorism?

Maybe. But, as the CDC refused to test samples of material labeled “Ebola”, we may never officially know.

Meanwhile, the Left and their allies in the Media are still screaming “Russia, Russia, Russia” and “Insurrection”. According to them, that is a MUCH greater threat.

I would like them to think about the threat that keeping Biden in office presents. Or, worse, installing that idiot Kamala Harris in the chief spot to replace the diminishing Biden.


    • OneGuy on November 22, 2023 at 10:12 AM

    This is a dangerous time.  The polls show that the left may lose power.  The left will do anything to hold and increase their power.  War, pestilence, assassination, nothing is beyond them.  They will destroy this country just to assure that they rule over the ashes.  Stay away from crowds.  Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.  I am genuinely afraid of what the left might do before the 2024 election.

    1. The left will do anything to hold and increase their power.

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