Last Day


Or, 123123.

I am proud of myself for what I’ve accomplished this year. I provided care for family members, recovered from asthma attacks after the poor air quality this spring, bounced back from a very painful broken arm, and survived a challenging Annual Enrollment Season.

And, I treated myself. I read a lot of ‘unimportant’ books – books that were not intended to improve my mind, but that were the book equivalent of ‘comfort food’.

I spent time with family and friends. I planned a 75th birthday for my husband. I got ALL the Christmas shopping done before the last days.

My husband and I are working to integrate the stuff of two households into one, learn to work together without the buffer of time spent apart in jobs, and reconcile our disparate decorating tastes.

I did something I’ve wanted to do for ages – I signed up for an online course to learn Morse code (called CW by radio operators). I bought a dual-paddle key (not cheap, but I have a Radio Fund savings account), tested it out with my radio, and was able to get it operational. I’m excited to get started – my first Zoom class is next Thursday.

I didn’t lose weight, but I maintained. Didn’t improve my fitness, but maintained. So, not progress, but not backsliding.

Most importantly, I detached from excessive focus on national politics. While I strongly DON’T want certain candidates to win the nomination, I’m prepared to accept who does manage to survive the best efforts of the Dems/Left to sabotage the front-runners and install one of the RINOs.

I will be watching very carefully who is running for various local, county, and state offices, as those are the ones that will affect me the most. I will continue my prep, starting with getting my garden in shape, and using indoor space to start the plants.

So, unlike all those online who are saying “Good riddance to 2023!”, I’m savoring every day. Life is too short and precious to wish away a single hour of it.

And, may 2024 be your Best Year Ever!


    • George Mckay on January 1, 2024 at 10:06 AM

    Good sentiments Linda.  We had a dear friend drop dead 2 days ago and it stunned us both.  He had no warning and he was 62 years old.  Live life to the max because there are no guaranteed tomorrows.  
    Peace and love to all.   Happy New Year.

    • Mike in Canada on January 2, 2024 at 1:40 PM

    Ms Fox,
    We, too, are savouring every day that passes without events dire… this is the calm, where one is given the opportunity to resolve remaining internal challenges, arrange one’s perceptions & choices, ensure one has made those important decisions firmly, and enrich one’s relationship to God.
    We are checking our preps, crossing things off our to-do lists, and continuing the process of educating our children (although, it should be noted, we are no longer emphasizing pure academics to the exclusion of more practical skillsets).
    We trust in God, our own knowledge and intuition, and each other.
    As for what is coming, we will continue to stand firm. We will serve our community and defend that which is good. We will resist. God’s will be done.
    All the best to you & yours.

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