For your humble Curmudgeon, Monday mornings are no longer special occasions that feature groans and a prolonged interval of turgid movement. Since I retired, that’s every day.
I’ve been sifting through this article for a while, and I’m not sure how to assess it. The author makes some good observations, but he goes overboard at several points. Rather than go into detail, I’ll simply advise my Gentle Readers to read critically and decide for themselves.
Warning: Patience will be required. If you’ve ever said to yourself that “Porretto is in love with the sound of his own voice,” there’s a revelation ahead of you.
The incident at Deer Creek High School continues to elicit outraged commentary. Given the specifics, I wouldn’t have expected anything else…but outrage per se is not enough. Especially if it leaves you exhausted and asking yourself “What’s the use?”
If ever there was a justification for a mass march on an institution and the defenestration of every single one of its officials and functionaries, this is surely one. Have the parents of Deer Creek’s student body done anything like that? If not, why not? What good is your outrage if it doesn’t motivate you to tar and feather the rascals and run them out of town on a rail?
Outrage can be either a motivator or an anesthetic. The choice is yours.
In my writing here at Liberty’s Torch, I often emphasize distinctions between primary phenomena and consequential phenomena. Those are important differences to recognize, for reasons my Gentle Readers are far too intelligent to need explained to them. Among the Left’s “distinctions” is its insistence on treating consequences as primaries…when it suits them politically.
Consider this recent piece. The persons featured in that little clip want flagrant black lawbreaking and disorder to be considered a primary: “It’s just our culture.” Can’t outlaw a man’s “culture,” don’t y’know. It would be “unfair.”
The reactions of whites, which are ever more trending toward the race-realist position, are in large measure a consequence of the lawlessness and disorder prevalent among blacks, especially young black males. But rather than allow that whites have some justification for our reactions, Leftists insist that our sentiments are primaries: “racism,” which must be combatted by every means available, including the force of law.
It doesn’t work like that, of course. It evokes reactions such as this one:

…which in its turn evokes the Left’s “la la la la I can’t hear you!” response. It’s mandatory, for American blacks are the Left’s most important mascots and a key voting bloc. (“I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years.” – Lyndon Baines Johnson)
And the tide of black lawlessness and white reactions against it continues.
The above was essentially prefatory. The subject I had in mind as I wrote it was the murder of Laken Riley:
To CNN and its writers, victims aren’t real victims unless they’re minorities.
An appalling article from the left-leaning news organization was published on Saturday where the author discussed how Hispanic students at the University of Georgia, the school where Laken Riley recently met her brutal death, haven’t “felt safe.”
The article goes into detail about how students aren’t feeling unsafe because an undocumented illegal is suspected of recently killing a student, but instead because racism is the greater evil.
Let’s assume entirely for discussion purposes that there has been some verbal backlash against students of Hispanic heritage in consequence of the murder. That’s unfair, to be sure. But the article’s determination to ignore the primary in the incident is, as Connor Cavanaugh says in the above, appalling. For what is the primary here?
- The Bidenites have dismantled all border controls.
- Unvetted Hispanic aliens have flooded into the United States.
- Among them are a high percentage of the violent and the unstable.
- Those violent and unstable Hispanic aliens have committed many felony crimes.
And both native-born Americans and legal, properly vetted immigrants are aware of it.
It’s been said many times that we must assume that a man intends the foreseeable consequences of his actions. So also with the foreseeable consequences of government policies. The aversive responses from decent Americans are prominent among those consequences. The question follows naturally:
A question I shall leave for my Gentle Readers to ponder.
That’s all for the nonce. I have several promises to keep today, some of which will require a lot from me. Enjoy your day as far as possible. Given everything that’s going on, that might require more effort than usual.
Because a divided country cannot stand. It is easy to take it over and rule over it.
The easy answer is the State is evil, in the religious sense, and that anything that leads people to willfully break the Golden Rule, the message of the Sermon on the Mount, and the Great Commandment (the second one for sure, the first is most likely to follow) furthers the cause of evil, including the damnation of souls. Related to what the first linked article calls POSIWID.
There is a more involved secular answer, sure, but William of Ockham screams at me every time my brain starts heading back down that path.
THE WRATH OF THE AWAKENED SAXONby Rudyard KiplingIt was not part of their blood,It came to them very late,With long arrears to make good,When the Saxon began to hate.They were not easily moved,They were icy — willing to waitTill every count should be proved,Ere the Saxon began to hate.Their voices were even and low.Their eyes were level and straight.There was neither sign nor showWhen the Saxon began to hate.It was not preached to the crowd.It was not taught by the state.No man spoke it aloudWhen the Saxon began to hate.It was not suddenly bred.It will not swiftly abate.Through the chilled years ahead,When Time shall count from the dateThat the Saxon began to hate.