Category: assorted

A Pre-Christmas Assortment

     Come on, Gentle Reader! Haven’t you ever succumbed to the temptation to unwrap just one or two of those glittery packages a couple of days early? And then discovered that the boxes were empty – just put there to fill up the space under the tree?      What’s that? You haven’t? And I suppose …

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A Farrago Of Friday Frivolities

     When the “Future Columns” folder begins to bulge, this is what follows. *** 1. Courage In A Bad Cause.      Get a load of this:      That 401 members of the Polish Parliament should have voted for the measure comes as no surprise. Sensible Poles know what’s happening to the rest of Europe and …

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Miscellaneous Jottings

     I haven’t done one of these lately, and the “FUT COL” folder is beginning to bulge. Therefore… *** 1. Today’s Telescreen.      Stephen Green comments:      The deal was a simple one: free TV included ads, and pay TV didn’t. Not only are streaming services altering the deal, but your TV manufacturer is also …

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Can’t Fight The Pressure

     I intended for my “Web vacation” to be a bit longer than this. I planned to take the whole summer off, to spend it writing fiction and only fiction. It seemed the best way to force myself to re-engage with the living world… something I’d been holding at arms’ length for far too long. …

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“We Don’t Need No Laugh Track!”

     We’ve got enough to laugh at right in front of us…and laugh we must, for the sake of our sanity. *** 1. Did you really need to ask, Megyn?      Well, she did answer her own question:      Megyn Kelly wants to know what many of us are thinking.      As anti-Israel protests continue …

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So You Think Part 2

     The first installment of this drama appeared here three years ago. It raised a lot of eyebrows, but I never heard that anything much had come of it. That’s distressing, as the subjects over which I brushed were significant and threatening. Still, I’m a minor voice in the Internet Commentariat, which makes the likelihood …

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When Mary Had A Little Lamb…

     …her ObGyn scowled and asked her, “Just where have you been fooling around?” Mary merely giggled, albeit somewhat sheepishly.      After yesterday – still think I’m slowing down, Pascal? – I have to kick back a bit. So instead of another epic diatribe, here are a few quick takes. ***      First up is …

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Never…Well, SELDOM On Sunday

     I don’t awaken to a lot of news-rich Sundays. Generally, that’s to the good, as Sunday tends to be the busiest day of my week. Still, it’s nice to have something to rant and rave about. A news-deprived day is a blogger’s definition of frustration. *** 1. Vending Machines.      The C.S.O.’s morning begins …

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     For your humble Curmudgeon, Monday mornings are no longer special occasions that feature groans and a prolonged interval of turgid movement. Since I retired, that’s every day. ***      I’ve been sifting through this article for a while, and I’m not sure how to assess it. The author makes some good observations, but he …

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A Friday Fricassee

     The “assorted” columns are something I try to limit, as – despite my intentions going in – I often blather for hundreds of words after each citation. Trust me, Gentle Reader: I know I’m an addict. But to date, there’s no known cure for boring long-windedness. *** 1. Stunning.      As I no longer …

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     “The news is all bad, but it’s good for a laugh.” – Tom Paxton *** 1. Let’s kick things off with a graphic!      I swiped this one from Dio:      For those of you unfamiliar with him, Edward Abbey was a Twentieth Century writer whose works were immensely popular – and anarchist in …

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The Closing Of The Year

     Yes, I’m still sick. Pretty seriously sick, if you must know. But I wouldn’t feel right about letting 2023 go without a column. It won’t be a “round-up,” just a few thoughts that have congealed around a disastrous year: arguably the worst yet for America under the Usurper Regime.      One of my favorite …

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National Treasures

     No, this isn’t about the movie, though I must admit that I enjoyed it greatly. Then again, I’m a Nicolas Cage fan. I’m thinking of a few writers and thinkers whom I might never have encountered if not for the World Wide Web. There are several…and some of them get much less appreciation than …

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     Yes, Gentle Reader, I’m still pretty sick. The energy isn’t there for more than a few casual shots out the passenger-side window as I drive past the passing scene. But I hate to leave you with nothing to read, and my Co-Conspirators, normally a worthy bunch, appear to have gone mute for the time …

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A Wandering Mind

     “Don’t let your mind wander. It’s too little to be let out alone.” – From a lapel button ***      Hey, remember those buttons and bumper stickers from a few years back?      I’m beginning to get that feeling again. ***      My day is looking bad – very bad, actually – and besides, …

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     Did I really just cite weekends as a time to relax? What on Earth was I thinking? *** 1. “It’s Islam.”      Daniel Greenfield has compiled a record of serial brilliance for his essays, especially when he addresses matters in the Middle East. His most recent offering rips the false facade away from the …

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No… Well, Only Minimal Comment Dept.

     I have a busy morning before me, so please enjoy the following examples of something for which your Curmudgeon is not generally known: brevity. *** 1. Why?      Bull’s-eye, Tuck. *** 2. The Professor Misfires.      From Glenn Reynolds:      Is everything going to hell?      Maybe, maybe not.      BZZZT! Wrong, Professor, but …

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If You Squint With The Sun Behind You…

     …it does rather look like evidence of a decades-long, world-girdling conspiracy in motion, doesn’t it? But I wouldn’t want to sound like one of those “QAnon types,” so perhaps I should just present the evidence for my Gentle Readers’ assessment. *** 1. Thou Shalt Not Mention The Evidence!      I admire anyone who’s willing …

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     Day From Hell Alert! I have three appointments today – two doctors, one broker – a mandatory social engagement this evening, and a raft of other chores besides, so please accept the following few observations, that I might have some prospect of surviving the day. *** 1. Now Tell Us Something We Don’t Know. …

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For those of you who weren’t around when bulletin boards and internet chat were new, that stands for “Away From Keyboard”. Just a little note to let people know you weren’t going to be there for a while. Since Mr. Porretto does the lion’s share of the writing here, you won’t miss much. I’ll be …

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