Yes, I’m still alive

Speaking of trials…. I had the joy of my wife passing on an upper respiratory virus some weeks ago. As I was recovering from that, I damaged the tendons in my right foot. Specifically the ones that run down the back of the calf through the ankle, and control the stabilizing elements of my foot. I went from going to bed thinking my foot was sore, to waking up and not being able to walk on that foot.

So, soft tissue damage, must stabilize it. The doc gave me a walking boot. I gimped around in that boot for some time, until as I was trying to go down the steps to my bedroom I hyper-extended my knee. Now, I hate taking pills. No pain pills for me, thank you very much. But, I was in so much pain from the foot and the knee that I had no choice. Weeks later, my ankle is still swollen slightly but the pain has receded, which is good because I had to fly down to a city I swore I would never re-enter again, Lost Angeles, for a funeral.

I swear that I wish to write. But some days all I do is stare at the computer screen and wonder why I can’t all any words forth. Perhaps as my schooling draws to a close for this semester, I’ll have more of an urge to post. When I’m essentially typing up papers all day that does drain the creative juices.

I’m off for more coffee. Hopefully I’ll be posting a bit more, when I can find news/information that is thought provoking rather than enraging.


    • Steve on April 17, 2024 at 6:52 PM

    Things will bounce back bro, this too shall pass. Feel better and God bless!

    • Drumwaster on April 18, 2024 at 12:06 AM

    What happens when a political body violates the very document that establishes that body and grants it the powers it exercises? What happens when the so-called “independent” media ignores that clearly illegal act, and, in fact, defends it, in a statement that boils down to “we had to burn the village to the ground and scatter the ashes in order to save the village from being destroyed by someone else”?
    When do we get the “When in the Course of Human Events” moment?

    • Brian_E on April 19, 2024 at 5:01 PM

    @Ragin Dave – I wish I could be more positive in this, but it’s going to be a long time until we’re getting news that doesn’t enrage us.  It’s a corollary of the ‘If you’re not enraged, you’re not paying attention.’ axiom.  And for this, I’m truly sorry.  
    @Drumwaster – I’m not sure when the “When in the Course of Human Events” occurs (again).  In my opinion – probably not soon enough.  Being modern Americans, it’ll probably be after all other possible options have been exhausted.  :-/FWIW – The limits of tyranny are defined by what we’ll put up with.   At what time do we stop putting up with the BS, and start decorating lamp posts?  As the meme showing the cat reading the newspaper says:  “Their behavior will not change until they fear you.”  Under better circumstances, that’d mean that they listen to their constituents for fear of not winning re-election.  We’ve gotten to the point where they need to fear neck-tie parties. (and no – I don’t like this any more than any sane person would).

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