Say what you will about Fox News and its steady slide to the left, it continues to provide a platform to at least one honest, courageous reporter:
The evidence will be hard to gather, and probably harder still to verify and collate. However,. given the Chinese ruling class’s undisguised intentions:
- To rise to world power;
- To weaken the United States;
- To absorb Taiwan and other Southeast Asian states;
…it’s about BLEEP!ing time someone with investigative resources seriously considered a highly plausible thesis: that China’s elite, unable to overwhelm the U.S. militarily or economically – really, sports fans; it’s essentially a Third World country that steals intellectual property and imports whole factories, for Pete’s sake – has chosen to use low-intensity biological warfare as its imperialist modus operandi. Yea verily, even at the cost of millions of lives among its own subjects. That’s entirely consistent with the totalitarian ideology of its rulers.
They confronted a firmly nationalist, non-accommodationist American President. He had broad popular support and a swiftly accumulating record of success, and he was determined to end their seizures of American IP and their pilferage of American manufacturing jobs. They could not budge him. So he had to go – but wait: We could attack his one known personal weakness: his germophobic willingness to trust medical authorities, even after they’ve been proved wrong. And there’s a laboratory in Wuhan, under tight military control as are all such labs in Red China, that has just what we need for the job…
What’s that you say, Comrade? We might lose a few million of our own subjects? Well, what of that? We’ve got plenty more where they came from!
Never mind that the American political Establishment has pounded us relentlessly about dismissing such “conspiracy theories.” That’s what elitists do: whatever the common citizen believes must be wrong. They’ll use the power of the State and its media handmaidens to force-feed you whatever ridiculous, inherently humiliating counter-thesis they deem suitable for their purposes. But what are those purposes?
- Expanded and solidified power;
- Enlarged prestige and profit for their allegiants;
- Accelerating encroachment of their globalist allies in commerce over all things.
To achieve those goals, they seek to increase the subjugation and physical dependency of the commoners upon the elite. That’s the formula for the creation of an undisplaceable elite. (“The aim of the High is to remain where they are.” – George Orwell) It worked in pre-Industrial Revolution Europe, despite the relatively short geographic reach of commerce in that time and place. It continues to work in South America and the Asian “enterprise states.” Why wouldn’t it work here?
There are patterns to be noted, Gentle Reader. Take a moment to think about the effects of pervasive, inescapable taxation – and reflect on this stunning bit of insight from the late Cyril Northcote Parkinson:
Wasting the labour of the people “under the pretence of caring for them” is exactly what our governments do. Freedom is founded on ownership of property…. It cannot exist where the rulers own everything, nor even when they concede some limited right of tenure. But the modern belief is that spendable income is a concession of the State. The taxation which is intended to promote equality, the taxation which exceeds the real public need, and above all the tax which is so graduated as to prevent the accumulation of capital, is inconsistent with freedom. Against a State which owns everything, the individual has neither the means of defence nor anything to defend….
There are many human achievements, including some of the finest, which need more than a single lifetime for completion. The individual can compose a symphony or paint a canvas, build up a business or restore order in a city. He cannot build a cathedral or grow an avenue of oak trees. Still less can he gain the stature essential to statesmanship in a highly developed and complex society. There is a need for continuity of effort, spread over several generations, and for just such a continuity as governments lack. Given the party system more especially, under the democratic form of rule, policy is continually modified or reversed. A family can be biologically stable in a way that a modern legislature is not. It is to families, therefore, that we look for such stability as society may need. But how can the family function if subject to crippling taxes during every lifetime and partial confiscation with every death? How can one generation provide the springboard for the next? Without such a springboard, all must start alike, and none can excel; and where none can excel nothing excellent will result.
[C. Northcote Parkinson, The Law, Complete. Emphases added by FWP.]
And do have a nice day.
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“They confronted a firmly nationalist, non-accommodationist American President. He had broad popular support and a swiftly accumulating record of success, and he was determined to end their seizures of American IP and their pilferage of American manufacturing jobs. They could not budge him. So he had to go – but wait: We could attack his one known personal weakness: his germophobic willingness to trust medical authorities, even after they’ve been proved wrong. And there’s a laboratory in Wuhan, under tight military control as are all such labs in Red China, that has just what we need for the job…”
As I mentioned at CF, that is the best paragraph on the subject ever written.
Was talking with the wife’s BFF. Despite having escaped a communist country herself – probably why she and my wife get along, with similar backgrounds – she could not wrap her mind around the idea that the CCP might willingly sacrifice a million or three of their own citizens if it meant getting rid of Orange Man.
Isn’t that odd. Every communist country has murdered their own citizens by the tens of thousands, by the millions, especially China where at least 50 million have been murdered.
It’s human for both women to be in denial. Accepting the hard facts could trouble their consciences, so I’d say they still have theirs.
“Good Germans” claimed they didn’t know despite the bakery smell permeating their villages. “That’s evidence, not proof.” Uh, huh.
Furthermore, all subjects of police states had to worry every day that they or a loved one might disappear. They lived in terror.
But Americans? What police state yet exists except the one that cowardice imagines? Or is it simply not wanting to be shunned by their local herd? About the latter I have experience.
About a dozen years ago my youngest sibling said “it’s not that my head is in the sand. I just don’t want to know.” I was guilty in not insisting on following through then. We haven’t been in the same room alone in at least 5 years. I intend to correct that avoidance when next we have a private moment, consequences be damned.