It’s easy to castigate men long dead. It’s especially satisfying – for persons of a certain disposition, anyway – when those men have an achievement to their names that their critic could never have equaled. When the achievement is the founding of the greatest nation in history, the castigator has a hard time not revealing his envy and spite.
But every so often, even people who (usually) know better will fall victim to that fault. Sometimes the impetus is a great weight of sorrow approaching despair. Why didn’t they foresee this, when they foresaw so much else? Could the Founding Fathers’ well-documented suspicion of governments and the lure of power, inarguably deeper and soberer than that of any previous gaggle of nation-builders, really have fallen short of the new nation’s needs?
It doesn’t just appear to be so – it is so.
The Maricopa County, Arizona audit of the balloting from November 2020 has completed, and the initial findings are devastating. I shan’t recap the details here; they’re readily available at many other sites. Suffice it to say that they establish beyond a reasonable doubt that Arizona’s presidential electoral votes were stolen by the Biden / Harris campaign. Not all the Left’s carping, backbiting, and casting of aspersions on those who demanded the audit can change the verdict.
It appears that Arizona’s discoveries have moved other state legislatures to mandate audits, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Pennsylvania first among them. Let’s imagine that such audits are performed, that their results parallel those of Arizona, and that there is no substantive objection to the auditors’ procedures. The electoral votes of those four states, if taken out of the Biden / Harris column, would award the legitimate victory to the Trump / Pence ticket. What then?
- Would the Usurpers step down peaceably?
- Would Congress pass some sort of election-decertification bill?
- Or would things remain essentially as they are today, public confidence excepted?
Option #1 is unimaginable, given the immense will-to-power of the Usurpers and their backers. Option #2 seems equally incredible. Option #3 – the continuation of the Usurper Regime, albeit with no further illusions about a “right to govern” – seems the only plausible sequel. Barring the impeachment, trial, and conviction of both Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris, they would remain in command of the federal executive branch. Moreover, they might be moved to a reprisal against those who had “undermined public confidence” in their administration.
The Constitution does not contemplate any other method for removing a sitting president, once inaugurated.
The Founding Fathers did not foresee the possibility of a stolen presidential election. Indeed, they could not, as the Constitution when written did not provide for the president to be elected as he is today. Electors were to be chosen by the legislatures of the states. They were to convene, discuss and debate, and render up a considered judgment without reference to any plebiscite. Their choice was intended to be genuinely independent of popular passions, insofar as such a thing is ever possible.
Such an arrangement was far more resistant to corruption than the mechanisms of today. If corruption of the process is impossible to imagine, why contrive a remedy for it?
The Founding Fathers were a century removed from the observations of John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton. A pity, but so it is.
America is in a cleft stick. The Left will fight to the last man to prevent even a shadow of a doubt from being cast on the 2020 election. In the event that it fails to prevent a slew of audits that incontrovertibly establish the illegitimacy of the Usurpers, it will mount every sort of counteroffensive possible short of nuking the dissident states. No matter how low public confidence in the Regime should fall, the Regime itself will remain in command of the immense federal executive bureaucracy. And that bureaucracy possesses the means to make dissenters’ lives a Hell on Earth.
Thomas Paine wrote of “times that try men’s souls.” He had an ongoing, flying-lead war for his substantiation. Men of good will should pray that nothing of the sort afflict these United States. Given the “advances” of the two centuries past, it would be far worse than anything Paine or his contemporaries could have witnessed.
The Founders didn’t envision a huge Federal government either. They were very afraid of such a thing. As Washington said,”government is a fearful thing”. That’s why they created a limited government of enumerated powers, to limit the power of the Federal government. That went overboard with FDR and The New Deal and especially LBJ and The Great Society.
Larry over at Virtual Mirage has a fantastic quote from Thomas Jefferson that I don’t recall seeing before, but it puts an exclamation point on the founders’ distrust of a huge federal government: “[T]he States can best govern our home concerns and the general government our foreign ones. I wish, therefore … never to see all offices transferred to Washington, where, further withdrawn from the eyes of the people, they may more secretly be bought and sold at market.” I never cease to be amazed at how prescient the founders were.
As you point out, there is no constitutional fix for the election fraud we’ve seen. There is no way out through the legal system or the supreme court. Nothing will happen. The only thing that can be done is try to fix it for the next time. Which is being universally condemned as “Jim Crow 2.0” and the universal charge of racism.
The Founders, for all their wisdom and general prescience, assumed a moral and religious people with honor.