1st Day in Charge

Fran left this place in immaculate condition, so there really isn’t much to do. He did ask that I handle the email, so note the new address for all LT correspondence. I’ll pass on anything he needs to take a look at.

Play nice, feel free to check it out, and – for all the co-contributors, please continue to add more content. I’d love to see excerpts from Work-in-Progress, uploaded videos, personal opinions and takes on timely subjects, and pretty much whatever you think is a good idea.

I’m going to up my posting, but I also have other tasks on my plate, including the CW Academy class I’m taking, that will enable me to communicate on the amateur radio spectrum in code.

My goal is for us all to be informed of current events, without leaving us feeling like stepping off a cliff. It might be hard to do, given the grim state of the Formerly Great USA. What do I do to keep y sanity?

I spend the first hour of the day drinking my coffee, and reading memes. That combo seems to both wake me up and keep me sane.

What are your methods of keeping yourself on an even keel?

1 comment

  1. I garden and maintain everything I can as best I can to remain sane.
    The extent of my communication preps are gmrs radios for wife and I.  We don’t go much further very often than they reach.
    I have been thinking to setup a tower for a cb base station and then a radio in each vehicle, but not sure it is worth the trouble for us.
    We are coming up on 3 years in our new place and we both love the solitude here.

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