Category: music

Upbeat… Cynicism?

     I don’t know what became of Juice Newton. Her first album did well, with the song below as its “hit.” But I haven’t heard anything about her since that first disc. Anyway, have a little remembrance, followed by one from the “other side” – of the sex wars, that is:      Now, a man …

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A Hymn From Across The Pond

If you’re unfamiliar with British composer Ralph Vaughan Williams, you can surely be forgiven. He never achieved much popularity outside his homeland. Yet his choral works are among the most beautiful things to come out of the Sceptered Isle. Here’s my favorite:      May you have a blessed Sunday and a glorious summer.

Some Sixties Music

     Not many will recall the Sons of Champlin:      Every now and then I need to spend a little time in the Sixties. No, not for the “Summer of Love” BS. (Dear God, what an unhygienic concept!) Just for the music. Oh, here’s a little more, from Procol Harum’s glorious second album, Shine On …

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Once Upon A Time…

     There was a band made up of session musicians who got together for a few drinks. Some of them were very well known for their studio work. Others were “invisible” despite their many contributions to the oeuvre of better-known artists. To make a long story short, they decided that they had something to contribute …

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For The “Post-Humorists”

     The Left is rabidly opposed to a huge fraction of our cultural heritage. Possibly all of it, really. Historical totalitarians have usually striven to destroy their subjects’ cultural memory. The contemporary Left is as totalitarian as any of its ideological predecessors.      Why let it happen? Preserve what you can. Make sure your children …

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Beautiful Music About Something Horrible

     Have a little: He was just a social drinker but social every night He enjoyed a pint or two or three or four She was just a silent thinker, silent every night He’d enjoyed the thought of killing her before Well he was very rarely drunk but very rarely sober And he didn’t think …

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They say that innocence is bliss

It’s not Lent yet. But still, in my life I find myself recognizing that I’m not the person that God wants me to be. Some of the most beautiful music is when we fallen sinners acknowledge that we are imperfect, and we ask God for forgiveness. I guess I’m not as ignorant as I want …

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Music For An Unexpected Reverie

     For no clear reason, just a little while ago I found myself remembering a friend from my high school years. I didn’t have many friends back then – prodigies seldom do – so I held on tight to those I managed to acquire. But this particular friend proved to be a mistake. He proved …

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Music From A Great Old Movie

     My favorite two tracks from the 1981 animated classic Heavy Metal:      Ah, to be young and stupid again!

For Peace

     This is the twelfth movement of Sir Karl Jenkins’s Mass The Armed Man. It’s titled “Benedictus.” And yes, that’s Stjepan Hauser of “2Cellos” on solo cello.      If only.

For Those A Great Distance From Their Loves

     A little something from the great Tom Rush:      To those who have their loves close by: Be grateful.

Have A Little Afternoon Music

     …for lovers in the afternoon of life:      Dan Fogelberg wrote it; Glass Hammer raised it to glory.

Stories Told In Song

     I love a song that tells a good story. Here’s a traditional, performed by Pentangle: In Bruton town there lived a farmer Who had two sons and one daughter dear. By day and night they were contriving To fill their sister’s heart with care. One told his secrets to no other, but to his …

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Things Have Been Getting Too Heavy

     …so let’s have some music. Here’s Emmylou Harris, from her Stumble Into Grace album:      God bless you, Emmylou.

A Musical Reminiscence

     The older I get, the more my thoughts are occupied by my past. That’s hardly unusual. Neither is it difficult to explain. After all, more of a septuagenarian’s life lies behind him than ahead of him, exceedingly unlikely advances in human longevity excepted. Besides, a man in his seventies hardly has the range of …

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Music For The Ages

     In my not-terribly-humble and completely irrelevant opinion, in all the annals of classical composition, Bach’s Brandenburg Concerti reign supreme – and Brandenburg Concerto Nr. 3 is the pinnacle of the group. It’s been my favorite classical piece ever since I was a boy.      But the Brandenburg Concerti were written for a chamber orchestra …

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De-Angrifying Music

     Sometimes, nothing else will do the job for me. Herewith, The Telling, with the concluding track from their brilliant first album Blue Solitaire:      May you know peace and contentment. They’re getting pretty hard to find, lately.

Some Music For Your Afternoon

     With the summer drawing to a close, preparations for the autumn season are in progress. Here at the Fortress, we’re slowly gathering the outdoor impedimenta of summer and taking it to storage, while inside we’re making adjustments to the décor, unloading the summer rounds from the guns and reloading with autumn-appropriate rounds. Yes, really! …

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Music For A Friday Afternoon

     Each decade has its stand-outs. Sometimes, the dominant modes and motifs of a particular period can cause some of the best offerings of that time to languish in obscurity. It’s unfortunate, but there’s nothing to be done about it, other than to enjoy what you enjoy and cluck over the neglected artists’ misfortune.      …

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When The World Is Too Much With Me

     I’m old: 71. The older I get, the less patience I have for a great many irritating and inconveniencing things. A barrage of those things will send me to one of my “escape hatches:” fiction; music; yard work; chess; weapons (this is a big one lately); cooking; or some other. Each of them possesses …

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