Liberty's Torch
A Quick Alert
The Fundraising Dynamic
Jul 21 2021
H/t: The Burning Platform.
Count me in with the supermajority.
Jan 6 people were too civilized. We’ve had the choice between Lucifer and Beelzebub for decades, and no one said boo
We need a massive correction, because “they” (Leftists) are working to”correct” everyone else.
I'll make sure it reaches your target.
I am available to book clubs, either in person or via Zoom, upon request. Contact me at morelonhouse –at– optonline –dot– net for details.
Count me in with the supermajority.
Jan 6 people were too civilized. We’ve had the choice between Lucifer and Beelzebub for decades, and no one said boo
We need a massive correction, because “they” (Leftists) are working to”correct” everyone else.