They’re as regular as the rising of the Sun…and that’s roughly the time of day at which they arrive in my Inbox: Dear Francis Porretto, Our platform reaches over 300,000 book lovers and we are currently offering only 10 slots for featured book promotions for next week. This is a fantastic opportunity to …
Category: writing
Oct 30 2023
A Writer’s Crosses
Have you wearied of the door-to-door religious solicitors who insist that you really need to learn about the Latter Day Saints, or the Jehovah’s Witnesses, or the Seventh-Day Adventists, or what have you? You find them annoying, do you? Well, that’s perfectly understandable, especially if you’re comfortable with your faith and don’t feel a …
Oct 19 2023
Beauty And The Engineer
No, the title is not a joke. Please indulge me for this morning. I have a need to rant about things that are a bit off the beaten path. I won’t be able to get to trivia such as world wars and the banality of evil until it’s off my chest. *** No …
Sep 01 2021
A Comment On Commentary
Back in the heyday of blogging, everyone and his halfwit Uncle Herman had a blog. There were, at peak, over 50 million such sites. Most, of course, were of no broad consequence: little was posted there, and most of that was worthless. However, they gave their “proprietors” a sense that they could be listened …
Mar 31 2021
On Writing As An Avocation
avocation n: something a person does in addition to a principal occupation, especially for pleasure; hobby: “The doctor’s avocation is painting.” Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of…but do it in private and wash your hands afterward. – Robert A. Heinlein I retired from engineering in 2015, which freed me …