Category: administrative


     Happy Epiphany Sunday. I’ll be away for a while. Yesterday evening I fell down a flight of stairs. I can’t sit at the computer for a long period just now. Bring any Administrative stuff to Linda. Back whenever.      All my best,      Fran

It Will Take A While

Dear Gentle Readers, My main computer, whose power supply fried on Tuesday, won’t be back to me until late this coming week. so I must ask once more for your patience. This “backup” computer — an old Dell laptop I bought to serve as a “backup Kindle” — has virtually nothing on it but Windows, …

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Computer Failure!

Can’t post. Co-Conspirators must carry the ball!


     I’m going to be away from Liberty’s Torch for a while…possibly a very long while. Recent events have persuaded me that for the present, there’s no point to my writing for the Web. A man of my age shouldn’t spend his time and energy shouting into the wind. So I’m going to take a …

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     There’s been a flood of “spam” comments that keep me busy deleting them, such that my time for other things is seriously reduced. Therefore, for the foreseeable future, comments will only be possible for registered, logged-in users.      If the “spam” flood does not abate, this may become a permanent policy. Your understanding and …

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The Case That May Upend The Regulatory Applecart

     About forty years ago, the Natural Resources Defense Council, one of the most odious organizations in the enviro-Nazi coalition, received a huge gift from the Supreme Court. However, the case that granted that gift awarded an even bigger gift to the regulatory bureaucracies. That gift has since become known as Chevron deference: the requirement …

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In Other News

     …my decision to leave Blogger has been justified. Specifically, the Grundies at Blogger have gotten around to Liberty’s Torch V1.0 and are slapping “Sensitive Content” warnings on a lot of the pieces there. So far: Sulva Come To Earth Just Read Your Job Description Synthetic Outrage Shamans Redux      …have all been labeled sensitive. …

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     Normally, I craft my “big” essay for the day at an early hour. Sorry, not today; I have a meeting with my pastor that takes precedence. So if you’re accustomed to stopping by here early to catch my stuff soon after I write it, endless apologies for your disappointment. Stop by around midafternoon; I …

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Paywalls: A Demurrer

     I’ve been asked by several Gentle Readers why there’s no way to create a regular monthly or yearly “paid subscription” to Liberty’s Torch. I received another such inquiry a few minutes ago. It’s simple: My opinions are mine alone and freely dispensed, so that’s what I charge for them. The Blogosphere started as a …

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Site News 2022-11-08

     If you’re a regular Gentle Reader of Liberty’s Torch, you may have noticed that we’ve had an outage here for about 18 hours. That was a consequence of a “port” of the site from a sluggish server to a better one by our Web host. The new server was apparently incompatible with some “plugin” …

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URGENT: Mike Hendrix of Cold Fury in Critical Condition

     I just received this from Big Country Expat:      Mikes in the Critical Care/ICU. I’m waiting to find out -where- exactly.      I just got word that my brother-from-another-mother Mike Hendrix, late of the famed rockabilly band The Belmont Playboys and more recently of the Blog “Cold Fury” has gotten seriously hemmed up medically …

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A Warning

     A few readers have proved less than courteous in their uses of the Comments facility. One in particular, who goes by the moniker of Skeptic, has submitted two vulgar and insulting comments already. One more and I’ll put him on the Banned list. To anyone who’s thinking that he can pollute this site or …

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     Someone has been sending out emails that purport to come from me.      I have not been emailing the Gentle Readers of Liberty’s Torch. Someone is trying to “phish” you. Do not click any links in any email that bears my name, or a Liberty’s Torch address.      An email originated by me will …

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