Category: Uncategorized

Political vision.

It is important for all ethnic groups, even the smallest ones, to know that this is their Motherland with no other for them, that they are protected here and are prepared to lay down their lives in order to protect this country. This is in the interests of us all, regardless of ethnicity, including the …

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The populist epiphany.

That moment you really get it that the American political class is something hostile and parasitic. The destruction of savings, which perversely is the policy intention, is a consequence of interest rate policies pursued to their Keynesian endpoint with social implications too important to overlook. Because they are not on any central bank’s radar, the …

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Sunday Roundup of Stories

These are just the ones that have caused me to pause, reflect, and adjust my thinking over the last week. This has been a tough week for me, physically – nothing major, just the accumulation of a lot of little things: Stupid cold lingering for over 2 weeks – the first week, I felt sick. …

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Big brains in action.

Simply put, the Fed is not going to fight inflation. It is going to keep stoking the inflationary fire until it’s burning out of control. “Peter Schiff: The Reality That Nobody Wants To Acknowledge.” By Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge, 2/25/21.

Some Thoughts on Class

It’s a very un-American thing to focus on class (the more nuanced Elite will, sometimes, but point out that this is just an artifact of our bigoted system, and if we just give the lower classes access to a stable income, that will all go away). The term “socio-economic class” is used, again, with the …

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End times.

Tragically, [the refusal to deal with obvious problems in the electoral system is] not inexplicable. It’s very explicable. It’s that the explanations are chilling and uncomfortable. Our Supreme Court is now part of the Washington Swamp, and the Washington Swamp is now totally divorced from any understanding of or caring about the rest of the …

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Pearls of expression.

One time I saw a clip of a reporter trying to interview Kanye West asking him to remove his MAGA hat because “it made him feel unsafe”. West basically told the guy to fuck off. Statistically you have a higher probability of being killed by your own furniture than an act of terrorism, let alone …

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When A Right Is Made A Permission

     I’m regaining a little dexterity in my hand, even though I still have a splinted finger, so let’s see how this goes…      I’ve ranted before about the insidiousness of licensure. In effect, it reduces a right to a permission that can be denied at the government’s whim. It’s usually introduced under the rationale …

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Poisonous inputs.

And “our” best thinking got us here: When a world already in trouble was hit by a severe financial crisis in September 2019, the dose of debt was already excessive. But as the Fed and the ECB opened the money spigots fully, they filled the world with poisoned or fake money. The BY team (Biden …

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It May Be A While Before I Write Anything More…

     …because earlier today, one of my dogs – Precious, the Pit Bull mix – mangled my right hand. I have a cast on one finger and two others swollen from a “crush” injury.      I’ll give you the whole story when I can type again. I’m sure Linda, the Colonel, Margaret, Historian, Dystopic, and …

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H.R. 484 Co-Sponsors

Here’s the list – Democrats all. Let’s put some effort into backing their opponents in the next election, shall we? Perhaps Mrs. Limbaugh can get a fund set up, and give it a little seed money, as a memorial to her husband’s life’s work. I think he would have appreciated that. Those POS’s need to …

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When Even the Mainstream Media is Noticing…

…you’ve lost the battle – maybe, even, the war. The Left looks at the Cancel Culture, the Deplatforming, and the stranglehold they have on the televised news, and thinks, “We’re WINNING!” Because so many in that group are unacquainted with any of the Normals, except as 2-dimensional characterizations, they miss the essential point: PEOPLE ARE …

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In the Middle of the Night

Cue one of the many great Billy Joel songs: Where was I going with this? Oh, yeah. I have asthma. One of the common issues with it is that coughing and breathing episodes tend to cluster in the early morning hours – literally, in the middle of the night. I used to think of this …

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If you like the present clown show, wait till The Great Reset.

Never mind our out-of-control spending, debt, monetary destructiveness, and foreign military adventure (FMA). This is just in the unemployment program created by the CARES [Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security] Act: The DOL-OIG [Dept. of Labor Office of the Inspector General] estimates at least $63 billion of the $630 billion in disbursements were squandered by …

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Deliberate currency debasement.

Year after year, the federal government has spent more than it takes in. Now the debt has piled up past the point of no return; there’s no longer an expedient way to reverse course. But don’t worry. The eggheads have a plan… Guided by eggheads, the U.S. government, and by extension the American people, are …

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They’re Turning the Dial Up to Crazy-Ass Dictatorship

Tucker Carlson reports on the “impartial” investigator of the House Leadership, who will “fairly” poke around to find out what really happened on Jan. 6, 2021 in Washington. Well, that makes me feel safe! Via Ace of Spades, I found this link, with a person who is NOT saying anything crazy or violent or anything, …

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All you need to know about the left

Delusional, willfully blind, unprincipled, enemies of liberty. By extension, leftists have a bizarre obsession with Russia and the theory that Russia is an ever present hand of god in US politics, yet, none of them can produce any concrete proof that Russia has meaningful influence in American elections or affairs. The political left has committed …

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What Means Might Stop This?

I’m thinking State-chartered Savings & Loans, Credit Unions within a single state (but, perhaps with affiliated setups in other states), and other ways to bypass the Choke Point rules. I’m looking at places to put my available money – friendly money-holders, local credit unions, savings and loans. Also, investments in individual companies (which comes with …

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What Will Follow Rush?

Well, that moment we all knew was coming is here – Rush is dead, of an aggressive form of lung cancer. He was 70 years old – just slightly older than I – and, in that abbreviated span of time, he changed the world. When he started, the Leftists and their soft allies, the Liberals, …

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Abdication and confusion to the stars.

If pillaging for a communist dictatorship was the answer, what was the question? Exactly? I heard the lectures about free enterprise then realized that I wanted no part of being in the party that enabled mega-corporate pillaging of our middle class for the benefit of the Chinese communists.[1] A great quote pointing out the abdication …

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