Category: Uncategorized

The Public Service Pitch Du Jour

Hey, remember public service pitches? I do. We don’t see or hear them much any more, possibly because air time has become so expensive, whether on radio or television. At one time they seemed endless. The one – actually, it was a family of them – that lingers most vividly in my memory is “The …

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Toxic and duplicitous.

What the Fed has been doing ever since Greenspan (the veritable “Patient Zero” of the current global $280T debt disaster) is very clever yet extremely toxic, as well as openly duplicitous. Specifically, the Fed now prints over $120B per month (to buy $80B in unwanted Treasury bonds and another $40B in unwanted, toxic MBS [mortgage-backed …

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“…You Peon?”

“Who are you calling a public servant…

Between a rock and a hard place.

Or between Scylla and Charybdis is you want some pre-Oprah imagery. So, the whole economy is a gigantic credit bubble completely dependent on artificially low interest rates, and the whole thing would be destroyed if the Fed had to raise interest rates to fight inflation, which means they won’t raise interest rates to fight inflation, …

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Why HR1 HAS to be enacted NOW

Because, before Harris can depose Biden, she has to be able to ram her VP replacement into the job. As it takes a simple majority of BOTH the House and the Senate, the Leftists MUST win the NEXT election. Which, given the way they have pi$$ed off the Normals, and the determination that they will …

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Just saw this on my Facebook account. [Sad Face] Isn’t that a hoot! I’m loving it – apparently, just posting a picture is such a dangerous incitement to revolt (VIOLENTLY), that they had to STERNLY warn me about it! Should I respond to the ban by commenting?

Something New

I’ve been reading a new series of essays, by Paul Graham. Well, technically, they’re not NEW – but they are new to me. This one has got me thinking – it’s about the way that writing is taught in schools, and what’s wrong with it (short answer: a lot). But, it also touches on what …

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America: Default Alive, or Default Dead?

I read a lot. Mostly blogs, for the breadth of content. And, what I have found most interesting about that reading is the links. The links are an indicator of what that blogger was reading/thinking about, when they decided to put down those thoughts. In essence, the links are a cookie trail to what inspired …

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Illusion, delusion, collusion, confusion, and explosion.

This all folds into the story of how for decades the monetary illusion created by central banks collaborating with governments has delayed an inevitable crisis by not dealing with reality. This means when the forces pent-up over the years finally break free events will most likely occur faster with far deeper ramifications than many people …

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Mush, you huskies. And roll them dice, campers.

Retirement investing used to be easy. Save money, park it in interest-bearing instruments, and live off the income, with Social Security and maybe a job pension to help. Not complicated and it worked well for decades. But about the time the oldest Boomers began reaching their mid-60s, this thing called “interest” mostly disappeared as committees …

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How to Make Life Suck Less

I was thinking about this very thing this morning, when I ran across John Wilder’s post. I won’t excerpt it, you need to read it for yourself, along with the comments. The thing is, terrible things do happen to people – even those who work hard to live a good life, pay their own way, …

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The cherry on top.

It’s hard to admit but the pinnacle of Western civilization turns out to be a state of collective stupefaction and precipitous flight from reality. The civilization that studied the galaxies and the basic structure of matter in the end could not rise above the politics of crack whores, con artists, and pickpockets. We prided ourselves …

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Pelosi Chose Her Military Quisling Well

Honoré was likely right about the number who are – by Pelosi’s definition – “unreliable” soldiers (not fully committed to implementing the Leftist schema). The thing is, I know people who work in that field. At one time, I taught the students of Fort Jackson’s military families (my school had about 1/3 of the population …

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Did You Know This?

Obama was the second President to graduate from Harvard Law School. Hayes was the first. I’d always assumed that JFK had a law or graduate degree. He didn’t. He attended Stanford for a short while, then left without a degree. His undergraduate grades weren’t all that impressive. He was in the second tier of his …

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Just Because

Post this everywhere you are today – Hell, print it out and slap it on the company Coke machines, the drink fountain at the gas station, the coolers that sell the Coke. Graphic courtesy of my cousin Eddie’s FB post.

YES! Just – YES!

Ace of Spades throws it down. And, I agree. To hell with economic philosophy, to hell with principles. Those who would primarily be personally affected would be the same ones that worked so hard to deprive the rest of us of a voice. Who treat us like $hit, then come around looking for a handout. …

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Mission accomplished.

The Petty, vain, venal, neurotic, obsessive, corrupt and cowardly denizens of our national political apparatus inherited the greatest concentration of wealth, industry, goodwill, and military power in 6000 years of history and squandered it in a single generation. They believe themselves superior.[1] People intend the natural consequences of their acts. Notes [1] Comment by gcjohns1971 on …

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Pearls of expression.

Bi is big because it’s a sexuality of status for a certain stratum of young females. It is also a sexuality of refuge—if you’re cowering from woke Einsatzgruppen on campus patrol. It’s the mark on your doorframe so the angel of cancellation passes over your dorm room and harasses some hateful heteros instead. “Bi, Bi, …

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Ballot Harvesting – a Long History with the Dems

I was wasting time improving my mind, when I ran across a reference that took me to this page: The Democratic Party came into prominence in the 1840s by harvesting three out of five uncast slave ballots to check the North’s attempts at abolition. When Northern Whigs and Abolitionists had enough of Democrat vote padding under the …

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Killing Off the Octopus

It’s not as easy a task as “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” (Disney version) made it seem. Google, and its parent company, Alphabet, have their tentacles deep into just about every facet of online life. The former host company for this blog, Liberty’s Torch, was Blogger – a Google company. When you sign up/into an …

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