The article below is a fascinating look into aspects of viral manipulation and the politics of research funding and regulation of gain-of-function research. The ultimate resolution of the debate over where the SARS2 virus came from undoubtedly depends on what is found in the lab notes of the so-called “Bat Lady” of the Wuhan Institute …
Category: Uncategorized
May 05 2021
Church of the Covidian
I was still an atheist when I transferred colleges. I’d started out at a small liberal arts college – chosen because of its distance from home more than anything else – but realized that I’d erred and applied to a large university in my birth state. I was admitted. Going to the summer orientation weekend …
May 05 2021
A fascinating look into the “we know what’s best for you” mentality.
I’m not familiar with Kyle Kulinski who apparently is a “progressive.” He’s quite impressive I find and he’s angry over this lunatic censorship mentality and the interview with Susan Wojcicki (wuu-CHIT-skee, in case you were wondering), the chief of YouTube, that he highlights is telling. His new subscriber numbers have plummeted due to his being …
May 02 2021
The Technological Golden Calf
(Image used under what I believe are “fair use” principles; note the website and graphic copyright notice in the image – to give credit to the creator of the image.) —– I first picked up the classic scifi book Dune by Frank Herbert when I was in high school, and only at my father’s insistence. …
May 01 2021
Personal Update
I’ll likely be less active for a few days/weeks. Yesterday evening, I was getting something in the bedroom, and tripped over a shoe in the middle of the floor (one of MANY of my husband’s that are scattered at any time). I don’t THINK he’s trying to kill me. But, my ankle is very painful, …
May 01 2021
Insufferable arrogance.
Ben Bartee on the Great Reset: All of which begs the questions: Who decided on these changes [to our societies and economies]? What populations in the Western “democracies” were permitted to exercise popular will in a vote on these changes? For whose benefit are these “Great Reset” policies enacted?[1] Progressive scum were only just warming …
Apr 28 2021
China: It Ain’t Paranoia When They Are Out To Rule The World
Let me clear in stating, as I suspect most people agree, that Covid is not a myth. Whether it’s natural or man-made – and I believe the latter – is still not determined as confirmed Truth. Assuming my belief in Covid’s artificial origin is correct, we also don’t know with certainty whether this was an …
Apr 25 2021
Cartoon: Don’t Make Me Angry
I am pleased to resume my cartoons. Here’s a new one: If you grab this for your own blog’s use please be sure to: Not alter the image or notice on it. Give me credit; I pay $150 for each cartoon to be drawn professionally based on my concept. Give a linkback to Liberty’s Torch …
Apr 22 2021
Dang, I Hate the New WordPress!
So much so, I’ve returned to Blogger for my longer stuff. Life has settled down. PT is continuing (causing me to feel like a domestic violence victim twice a week), the tax information has been entered in a sheet, just waiting for DH to do his part, and I’m gradually getting back on track with …
Apr 20 2021
Paging Alexandre Solzhenitsyn
First, I would like to thank Francis for inviting me to become one of the authors on his blog – I am deeply honored by this trust he’s placed in me. I will attempt to post at least weekly as I also do write for Granite Grok, a NH-based conservative blog – if politics is local …
Apr 18 2021
Good question.
The editorial board of the Washington Post recently advised Zelensky: “Mr. Zelensky now has the opportunity to forge a partnership with Mr. Biden that could decisively advance Ukraine’s attempt to break free from Russia and join the democratic West. He should seize on it.” So, now that we’ve shown who is doing the pushing here, …
Apr 18 2021
Know the agenda.
The bottom line is this: America is the primary target of the globalists because we are one of the only countries with the means and the numbers to stop them and the [Great] Reset. Until they are removed from the equation they will continue to throw crisis after crisis at us in order to wear …
Apr 17 2021
Misaligned incentives.
From where I sit, people aren’t stupid. They may make dumb decisions but these [are] maximized thanks to the misaligned incentives of a corrupt monetary system. Absent consequences for dumb decisions, people will continue to make them until they can’t. And yet our feudal overlords [think] there is no limit to this.[1] Apparently the Chinese …
Apr 17 2021
How the world would be better without police.
The Babylon Bee deftly skewers the ever-expanding moron population as usual: 7. All problems in the black community will go away – Everything wrong in the inner city is the cops’ fault. If the cops go, everything will be solved. It’s just that simple! Check out the other six ways here.
Apr 12 2021
Because spouting the Democrat line is job number one.
Feckless, feeble, useless “Republicanism” at its best. The one, the only, Liz Cheney!!! H/t: The Gateway Pundit, described by Wikipedia as an “American far-right fake news website.” Now you know.