Category: Uncategorized

Nice to Know that ALL State Leaders Haven’t Lost Their Mind

Why do I write that? Because 20 of the states, including 3 I have connections to (OH, WV, and SC), are part of a lawsuit of the Biden Administration to stop them from mandating Men in Women’s facilities. It’s time for Americans to agree on at least ONE thing – that if an individual hold …

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Saturday Miscellany

Political Donations by State. I happened to find a link to Open Secrets, a site that tracks political donations by individual, party, political organization, and state. That last interested me, as I was wondering about the connection between money and voting patterns. As you can see below, the outcomes in GA and MI appear to …

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If Strong Language Upsets You,…

DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK. I’ve noticed the same sudden silence of the “You are so STUPID to back Trump!” crowd. After months of haranguing me and the rest of their social feed, it’s like they had been Raptured. Gone. MIA. Quieter than a kidnap victim with a K-Bar to her throat. Gee, I wonder …

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To Other Indie Writers: A Warning

     The scamsters are restless.      A couple of evenings ago, I received a voicemail from a “Neil” who said he represents a company called ReadersMagnet. He said something boilerplate-ish about the “potential” of my book Innocents (first red flag) and suggested that his company could assist me in getting it to the attention of …

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What’s Up With Scott Adams?

I have enjoyed the Dilbert cartoons over the years. The cartoons have appealed to all of us who have been in the bowels of large companies/organizations, whether public or private, nonprofit or – allegedly – for profit. They are quirky, absurdist, and strangely appealing to the Everyman that lives with arbitrary rules, unfair employment practices, …

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The Elite Have Thrown Down the Hammer

Kah-mah-la has delivered a smackdown to the proles that infest the Non-Elites in the Not-the-Coast. “Christmas has come early for Washington’s enemies. Literally. Kackling Kamala Harris was dispatched to Singapore to assure our allies that the hyperpower was not a complete laughingstock. Instead, she told her hosts that it’s beginning to look a lot like …

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Ingredients of the vaccines.

Jon Rappoport[1] provides a helpful link to a Centers for Disease Control webinar[2] that lists the ingredients in only the vaccines produced by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. I was curious and checked it out as I’d not seen any such list before: Ingredients included in mRNA COVID-19 vaccines Pfizer-BioNTech Description mRNA nucleoside-modified mRNA encoding the viral …

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It Works for Me

The Declaration of Independence, 2.0 Put your 2 cents in the comments.

Anonymity – A BAD Idea

With very few exceptions, bloggers, writers, and commenters should post under their REAL Names. Why? Because: It’s self-evidently untrue that you are speaking “Truth to Power” or “Ready to Lead the Revolution”, if you fear a simple test like putting your signature/name to your opinions. The more anonymous the poster, the likelier he/she is to …

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A Change in the Way that Americans Travel Through the World

Almost all Americans travel worldwide with the permission of the American government, through its passport program. That document enables them to receive what services are available in countries that we have embassies in. Those services may be limited in some countries – China, for example, has imprisoned Americans in the past, and still does, should …

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Words Cannot Convey…

…how truly horrified I am at this. Cuomo just pardoned some convicted murderers on the way out. “David Gilbert, a Weather Underground member who was convicted of three counts of second-degree murder and four counts of first-degree robbery for his role in the crime that resulted in the deaths of Nyack police Sgt. Edward O’Grady …

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Pearls of expression.

If our government took foreign terrorism seriously, we would not have a porous border.[1] But look for more hand wringing over the threat of “terrorism.” And let’s generate more terrorists by killing hundreds of thousands of foreigners becase we’re special. Notes [1] “The War Comes Home.” By Gregory Hood, The Unz Review, 8/20/21.

Some Miscellany, Before I Break for Lunch

Here. And, below, maybe a reason for the concern about getting this done by September 11.

Why Are We Just Hearing About This Now?

Some of the barriers to training and utilizing an Afghani army. The above link leads to a story sourced by NPR, called All Things Considered. One telling part of the story: Years ago, a U.S. general told us that not only couldn’t many of the Afghan officers read or write, but they couldn’t count. He …

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If I Hadn’t Seen This, I wouldn’t Have Believed It

Trying to explain to Afghanis how terribly important a picture of a urinal was to American art. No, really – read the linked article – the video is near the bottom. You will be renewed in your determination to Root the Bastards OUT of American Life.

What a CF!

Afghanistan is confiscating US passports, we’re on the brink of another hostage situation, and China is smiling in the background. What to do? Nothing. The Left MADE this mess – let them clean it up, or take the blame for whatever comes. Now. If there were a Machiavellian kind of person/group lurking around in the …

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Thinking about Afghanistan, and Previous Wars


Time for a “You Can’t Handle the Truth!” Moment

Random Miscellany in the Middle of the Night

It’s seldom that I manage to sleep through the night. The only thing that keeps me sane is that I can get up, read for a while, and eventually become tired enough to lay down again for a brief return to sleep before my day officially begins. This is a problem that needs to be …

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You Can Extend this Thinking, and it Would STILL be True

The Truth About Bums. It’s true of many things. If you think about it, avoidance of realizing that Truth is the Foundation of Progressivism. Most people are responsible for much of what happens to them in life. Now, some events in life are random – being the victim of a crime. Really? Because, although there …

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