Francis W. Porretto

Mount Sinai, NY USA

Author's posts

Some Dark Thoughts

     “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.” – Originator unknown, though often attributed to Albert Einstein      “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it.” – Thomas Sowell, concerning the “War on Drugs.”      “If what …

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Social And Commercial Evolution In Action

     If you don’t remember this story, from a year and a half ago, I can’t fault you; I had to go poring through my stacks to locate it, remembering only that it was race-related:      COLLEGE PARK, Ga. (CBS46) — Stereotyped, intimidated, racism, and uncomfortable, all words used by shoppers to describe their shopping …

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On Rereading Old Favorites

     If you’re a reading junkie – which I am – and find yourself bereft of unread material that strikes your fancy, you’re blessed if you have a pile of old favorites into which to plunge. I have such a pile, and it’s both large and varied. The reference works alone fill eight large bookcases. …

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Denouncing The Obvious

     A little thought can go a long way. However, on some subjects, thinking is effectively forbidden. Here’s one.      Let’s say you’re a college professor, and that you teach a first-year class whose enrollees arrived at that class with a fairly wide distribution of high-school grade point averages. At the end of the semester, …

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     I just found this brilliant little piece at Ace’s place:      Suppose you have a kid your age who finds that he has the urge to fuck a toaster. In the past, he’d either keep it to himself and learn to live with it, or, if he mentioned it to someone else, they’d tell …

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This Should Piss A Few Folks Off…

     …which, to my mind, is a good reason to post it: I’m a Boy / The Who One little girl was called Jean-Marie Another little girl was called Felicity Another little girl was Sally-Joy The other was me And I’m a Boy My name is Bill and I’m a head case They practice making-up …

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The Public Service Pitch Du Jour

Hey, remember public service pitches? I do. We don’t see or hear them much any more, possibly because air time has become so expensive, whether on radio or television. At one time they seemed endless. The one – actually, it was a family of them – that lingers most vividly in my memory is “The …

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I Thought I Was Beyond Being Stunned

     I was wrong:      Milo Yiannopoulos, the gay man whose conservative messaging and willingness to speak the truth sparked riots on university campuses may well trigger more outrage now that he describes himself as “Ex-Gay” and “sodomy free,” and is leading a daily consecration to St. Joseph online.      Two years ago, when Church …

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Rejoining One Another

     A passage in Bookworm’s piece for today resonated powerfully with me:      One of the things that has helped me be a nicer person is discovering that, if you ask the right questions, everyone has something interesting to tell. For that reason, I always start conversations with people — clerks, gardeners, guard gates, whomever. …

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You Think You’re On Top Of The Lunacies…

     …and then something like this scrolls by:      Black Lives Matter protesters badgered young cheerleaders while they entered the Kentucky International Convention Center in downtown Louisville for a cheer competition on Saturday.      One of the protester leaders Carmen M. Jones, who said Sunday that she stands by her comments, yelled at the girls …

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What Comes Of The Loss Of Trust

     “A thousand truths do not mark a man as a truth-teller, but a single lie marks him as a damned liar….Lying to other people is your business, but I tell you this: once a man gets a reputation as a liar, he might as well be struck dumb, for people do not listen to …

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What More Will It Take?

     Retired Lieutenant General Russel Honoré has proposed a permanent military guard force for the District of Columbia:      A task force charged with making recommendations to boost congressional security after a deadly Jan. 6 pro-Trump mob assault on Capitol Hill has proposed establishing a permanent military presence ready to go at a moment’s notice …

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The Poison As Antidote

     This short piece at the website of the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) is a sharp, well focused destruction of federal welfare policy these past fifty-five years. It’s not the first, of course; many have remarked on the failure of federal welfarism in much the same fashion. Yet it serves as a reminder …

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     Anyone who’s worked for or with the military is aware that it’s terminally infested with acronyms. There are acronyms for everything: in many cases because the thing’s proper name goes on for days; in others, simply because of what you might call a tradition of acronyming. In consequence, one who has spent several decades …

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A Warning

     It’s gratifying and more to see the proliferation of alternatives to Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. However, there’s a need for vigilance. Robert Conquest’s Second Law of Politics tells us why:      Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.      This law describes a state reached by a process Conquest did not …

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Unspeakable Notions

     To suppress a truth is to give it force beyond endurance. – Originator unknown      The attempts by the Democrats and their media handmaidens to render unspeakable any suggestion that the presidential election was stolen, or that Joe Biden is deep into senile dementia, or that the Usurper Regime is working hand in glove …

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Some Probing Questions

     I have no answers. Do you, Gentle Reader?

Assorted 2021-03-04

     My “future columns” folder is once again overflowing, and I’m disinclined to slough any of the contents, so here’s a round-up of things that have poked me somewhere sensitive these past few days. ***      Have a trio of election-related links from Gateway Pundit: FBI seized and shredded suspicious ballots. Follow the Arizona Audit; …

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“Not Perfect”

     Have you said or written any of these things, or anything like them? “The GOP isn’t perfect.” “America isn’t perfect.” “Trump isn’t perfect.”      If so, I have a question for you…no, let me rephrase that: I have a demand for you: Either define perfect Or shut up.      Take your time. Show your …

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A Jewel From A Cesspool

     Once in a great while, even that festering stew of hatred-soaked Leftists we call Twitter will yield up a gem:      I could not have put it better. The Left, after all, was the source and bastion of racism during the Jim Crow years that followed emancipation. A Leftist’s natural inclination is toward force, …

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