Category: Uncategorized

Lest We Forget

I know that recessions are painful – boy, do I know that! I’ve lived through decades with multiple downs to the economy. Sometimes, we would just dig ourselves out of the last downturn, only to get smacked in the face with the next one. What changed? The economy got better. We didn’t use that to …

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A Super Great Morning

I got up early, texted a friend who was planning on doing POTA (Parks on the Air) and – after a quick Bojangles breakfast (I am NOT a barbarian!) – joined her at K-2883 – Andrew Jackson State Park, just outside of my city. It was a beautiful morning – not cold, but very comfortable …

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You Don’t Have to Walk a Mile in Their Shoes

Just a few blocks – in their neglected and decaying neighborhoods.

Iron laws of arithmetic — Part MMMMCCLIX.

If they [the Fed] could have nipped it [inflation] in the bud, they would have done it. The reason they haven’t done it is because they can’t. And because they can’t fight inflation, that’s why they have to pretend that it’s transitory. Because if they could fight it, now is the time to do it. …

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Collection of Covid Info

This is a new feature permitted by our host.  Let’s see how it goes.  Doing my best to spread “misinformation”. All links are presented “as is” and I make no guarantee for the accuracy / truthfulness of any. However, as a pattern of what I’ve been observing, all the links presented here – and yes, …

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Laughing At The Devil: 9mm Edition

     “The devil…the prowde spirit…cannot endure to be mocked.” – Saint Thomas More      Ridicule is a terror weapon. Making your enemy look ridiculous can be more effective than a bullet between the eyes. For one thing, it deters others from following in his path. For another, it energizes your side by reminding them that …

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Tinkerbell to the rescue.

There is a fallacy that government spending, on infrastructure or anything else, creates jobs or economic growth in the aggregate. Murray Rothbard addressed the issue in great detail in his article “The Fallacy of the ‘Public Sector.” In summary, there is no such thing as the Infrastructure Fairy that takes government spending and magically turns …

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The great John Wayne.

Despite his reputation as a stern and stoic man, the Duke was not above laughing at himself. In 1973, Wayne was invited by satirical Harvard University newspaper, The Harvard Lampoon, to receive the “Brass Balls Award.” What started as a joke at his expense became an Army convoy complete with an armored personnel carrier for …

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Prayer request

My wife’s father just got diagnosed with cancer. Bad. Bleeding, can’t keep food down, unable to talk already. Double plus ungood. If he goes – and I believe he will – it’ll be the second death (from cancer!) in my wife’s close family within a couple of months. Her uncle was the first. Please say …

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Chiming In

I’ve been out of town, in Ohio. We’re in the process of looking for a house (both depressing, and something I’m getting better at). As a result, I’ve been largely out of touch with events and commentary. This morning is the first time I’ve had to just read. I’m reading Project Hail Mary, by Andy …

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Unsettling Connections

In my youth I loved the PBS show Connections, and subsequently Connections 2 and Connections 3, all hosted by James Burke.  Thanks to prompts and an emphasis on education by my parents, plus a (cough) rather high IQ, I became someone who often could see disparate things and put them together into patterns to understand …

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Extrinsic Science Must Be Exposed and Eliminated

Through its use of intrinsic science, humanity advanced technologically. Long before Sir Francis Bacon, the scientific method was employed and exploited by those who engaged in the practice that had no formal name. Mathematics is the king of the sciences. All other sciences rely upon its intrinsic values to qualify and quantify their investigations and …

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Insight into the rules-based world order.

The term “rules-based world order” has surfaced in U.S. diplospeak in recent years. Whatever does it mean? [Russian Foreign Minister Sergey] Lavrov surveys the results of the recent G7, NATO and US-EU summits prior to Putin-Biden in Geneva: These meetings were carefully prepared in a way that leaves no doubt that the West wanted to …

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Thank you, Jesus.

Nikole Hannah-Jones, eminent scholar, departs the University of North Carolina to delight and inform the journalism students at Howard University.[1] Nothing says “scholar” in my book so much as bright red clown hair but that’s just me. The quality of her work, however, is beyond dispute. Fact, Jack. Well, ok. Sincere condolences to those future …

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Pearls of expression.

Corporations like Warner Music Group, Sony Music Group, and Comcast gave donations of $100 million each to social justice organizations like BLM just this month. I mean, we all know how underrepresented blacks are in the music industry. Apparently, the U.S. music industry had decided that promoting gangster culture, violence, drug use, and objectification of …

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Cartoon: Jab’s Witnesses and the Covid Cult

OK, the creative juices have been flowing, the cartoonist engaged and loving the idea, so here is my latest cartoon concept executed – again – wonderfully: —— —– I hope you like it. This was inspired by the news that multiple places are organizing door to door campaigns.  E.g., in Michigan, Louisiana, Connecticut, Florida, etc.  …

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The resolution carries…

Of all the scenes in the notable miniseries “John Adams” this strikes me as the most pivotal – among many, of course. These men were committing high treason and understood fully their fate if they did not succeed. Happy Birthday to my beloved America. —–

Formerly Unconscionable Connections

News item: Former Police Officer Recounts Witnessing ‘Industrialized’ Organ Harvesting in China The following are questions our society would almost certainly have insisted be asked in another era. Have you asked what is the source of your life-saving organ? To what soul or grieving family may you direct thanks for it? If you asked, did …

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Our Happy Birthday Weekend

This is going to be a bittersweet year. Like “celebrating” your beloved relative’s birthday, shortly after they got the news that their cancer is back again. You will see the candles through a veil of tears, find your voice quivering, as you realize that this may well be the last time you will sing those …

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Reversing the Exodus

(This post is modified from its original appearance at GraniteGrok.) I am a Zionist Jew interested in the goings-on in Israel, my spiritual home, and thus subscribe to a variety of news sources.  Some are on the Right, some are on the Left, some are a mix, a couple are wingnut, but I peruse them …

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