Just Catching Up on the News

I’ve been under some time pressure. Yesterday was the start of a virtual course for a local organization, and it took a certain amount of time to prepare for it. With that first class done, I can better target the plans for the next 3 weeks. It should be easier from now on.

I also have been chipping away at CEUs for insurance license renewal. I need to finish over the next month, so I can renew without a problem. Again, somewhat time-consuming, but not that difficult.

Which leaves my upcoming PT appointments; I see the Ortho guy today, to get the referral, then tomorrow start the grind. I’ve done this for a few other injuries in the past. It’s not difficult, but it does take regular adherence to the program.

However, at the end of this cycle, I should be stronger and better able to work on further fitness goals.

With all that on my plate, it’s no surprise that I’ve pretty much ignored current events. Failure to shut down the impeachment trial was a slam-dunk for the Dems/Dems-Lite (otherwise known as RINOs). It says something about the current state of the GOP when the best pushback against this extra-legal action is from Rand Paul, a Libertarian. You might THINK that the GOP would see supporting the President, and Constitutional protections, as critical.

You would be wrong. The GOP politicians and administrators of the party structure see Trump and his supporters as a barrier to their function, not a benefit.

The first thing to do after the trial – no matter how it turns out, is to get involved at the local level in politics. Know who the influential people are, and start networking with those who want to get these RINOs OUT. It makes no sense to say, well, at least the GOP controls that vote, if the vote is a Dem-Lite one.

You might want to read this essay in The Tablet – it identifies the entangled entities that lay behind the Push-Trump-Movement. I hate to say it, as it almost sound conspiratorial, but we have to uproot the Elite that stand to gain from the impoverishment and political strangulation of The Normals. That means, if someone is working ‘with’ – really, FOR, China, they need to be exposed, de-fanged, and kept from exercising their influence for a foreign power.

Sign me up!!

Too Important Not To Publicize

     “When a man shows you who he is, believe him.” – Maya Angelou

     Here is Massachusetts’ Undersecretary for Climate Change David Ismay, showing you exactly who and what he is: a totalitarian who would rather that we freeze to death, and sacrifice forever the power to go where we please, when we please, than admit that his “climate change” horseshit is…well…horseshit:

     I’ve downloaded the video, in case YouTube decides to delete it.

     Ismay and his ilk are aspiring tyrants who want complete control over every aspect of your life. Never, ever imagine otherwise.


It’s back! And bigger than ever!

What must I do to be free of it?

The Sacrament Of The Hour

     For a long time, I’ve referred to abortion as “the sacrament of the Left.” Having an abortion, or having had one in the past, is one of the ways a woman establishes her bona fides as a trustworthy (?) leftist. (Men who are responsible for pregnancies terminated via abortion receive a “derived” form of credibility…as long as they never, ever say anything negative about “her” decision.) A woman who’s never had one is regarded far more warily by her leftist acquaintances. A woman who’s at all dubious about “a woman’s right to choose” is viewed as a vampire would view crucifixes and holy water.

     But there’s a problem before the Left. The percent of abortions being sought by older women is increasing, while the percent sought by younger women, including the unmarried, is declining. It seems that the decline American reproductive rates and the declines in premarital and extramarital sex are putting something of a squeeze on the Left’s recruiting. The future isn’t looking too bright.

     So a new sacrament is needed. And mirabile dictu! One has arisen just in the nick of time: Vaccination against the Wuhan Virus!

     We’ve spoken of the masking mania as virtue signaling, and it surely is. It’s well established that except for respirator masks that virtually no one is wearing, masking does nothing to impede the transmission of the Chinese Lung Rot virus or any other. But while wearing a mask does nothing to slow the spread of the Kung Flu, it signals that you care. You’re being socially responsible. Those you encounter can count on you to “come through” when it matters.

     Still, a great many people are getting very tired of masking. Increasing numbers of Americans are refusing to go along with the “mandates.” Ever more states and localities are separating themselves from the masking mania and declaring the whole thing a matter of individual choice…which it should have been from the start. So the virtue-signalers and loyalty assessors clearly need something new, and the vaccines have come along at just the right moment.

     So the Left will obviously regard an article like this one as a dagger to the heart. Wherever it appears, it will be condemned as the vilest sort of pro-illness slime. Thou shalt not denigrate our Sacrament! Legislators will be approached about what might be done to “limit its reach.” I’d be entirely unsurprised were YouTwitFace – that’s the YouTube / Twitter / Facebook conglomerate – to refuse to allow it to appear on their “platforms.” There may even be attempts to sue the author for libel. (Of whom? Don’t bother us with details, quibbler; we’re The Anointed and we make the rules here.)

     Spread it around, Gentle Readers. Please spread it around. Remember that the “medical establishment” condemned attempts to use hydroxychloroquine, zithromax, and ivermectin as anti-WuFlu treatments…and now the studies that refute their condemnations are multiplying like toadstools.

     We who blog may be the last defenses against the flood of disinformation by which the Left hopes to subjugate the country. Don’t let them get away with it. Hold your head high.

The 2nd Trial Will NOT be a Slam-Dunk

I remember reading F. Lee Bailey’s memoir (before he got old), and one of the first things he had to tell a guy – who’d quickly WON on a trial just a short time before – that the 2nd trial was NOT likely to favor him.

He pointed out that, during the 2nd trial, he would be facing people who truly believed that “he got away with it the first time, but this time he won’t be as lucky”. So, that’s an issue.

Also, the Dems have lumped together multiple charges (a practice that many DA’s do as a regular course of action). The thing is, when multiple charges are brought, the pro-not guilty crowd puts all their effort into winning on the big charges. In order to “give those voting for conviction something”, the jury often finds those guys guilty on a lesser charge.

Trump’s gotta beat ALL of the charges – and, given the squishiness of the Sorta-GOP, that’s looking less likely every day.

So, just don’t be surprised at any outcome.

Where it All Started Falling Apart

This guy thinks that Sidney Powell is generally competent – and, she MAY be, although she didn’t appear to have her stuff together at her last few appearances. However, much of that could be explained by the information in this post, and the others that follow it.

Trump has faults, along with his virtues. One of his biggest is that he tends to keep those people close who have come through for him in the past, no matter how they are performing at present.

One such is Rudy Giuliani. Whatever his reputation in the past, he is past his sell-by date. And, if this guy’s information is to be relied upon, Rudy has developed a big drinking problem since his Glory Days.

Like I said, I really cannot vouch for the accuracy of this – but, given what I’ve seen so far, it rings true.

Trump needs an organizer around him, someone who can prioritize, crack the whip as needed, and have a clear picture of what needs to be done. Trump is out of his competency area at dealing with the Deep State – he’s generally run lean & mean companies, with minimal people at the executive level, and those tended to be home-grown, in his organization. Most others are sub-contractors, or temporary hires.

I’m not sure what skill set is needed for destruction of the Deep State, but I’m pretty sure that it needs to START with wholesale downsizing of departments, other than the core. People in other parts of the Executive Branch have to have a complete hiring freeze for at least 2 years after the purge starts, to keep the leeches from slithering into other parts of government, later to surface and destroy.

I wouldn’t volunteer for that job of dynamiting the crew out. I wouldn’t know how to circumvent the tenacious Leftists who would use every tactic at their disposal to keep sucking at the public tit.

So, what CAN be done?

Use the state powers of regulatory nullification, obstruction, and keeping the scoundrels out of the states. We have pretty good control at the state level already. Step up the level of non-cooperation with the Federal forces – particularly the regulatory – and begin the process of starvation of the Federal government.

Pearls of expression.

Because my grandmother was not a pleasant woman. Cold, vain, cheap, fussy and tactless, far fonder of her friends — of which she had, to me, a shockingly high number; my mother regularly mused about selling tickets to her funeral — than her own family. To whom she could be, frankly, a bitch.

~ Kathy Shaidle quoted in “Kathy’s World.” By Mark Steyn, Steyn Online, 1/9/21.

Don’t Get TOO Excited

Many of the NLDs are seeing the Chief Justice, John Roberts, declining to preside over the 2nd attempt to Get Rid of Trump, 4Evah, as an indication that the Justice recognizes the legislative lack of standing to try a FORMER President in an Impeachment Trial.

That brings to mind TWO possible answers to the persecution:

  • If the Senate tries Trump, they are implicitly admitting that HE is the current President, or,
  • They have no right to try a Former President.

I doubt it will even slow the runaway train that this extra-judicial idiocy is. The Left has NEVER let a lack of consistency or logic stop them from any of their escapades.

What I see is a far more dangerous maneuver:

It keeps Roberts from any involvement in the process, and leaves him free to put himself right in the middle of any lawsuits that hit hit Court. If he HAD participated, it would have given Trump reason to challenge his voting on a matter in which he was involved.

Never discount the perfidy of Weasels.

Marginalia 2021-02-08

1. Missings.

     Just about the only way to know how important something, or some activity, really is to you is to go without it for awhile.

     The C.S.O. and I were once pro-football addicts. Sunday during the NFL season, we would watch at least two, and more often than not three games. It hardly mattered who was playing. But several years ago, when the kneeling-during-the-anthem BS started, we decided we would forgo it. Neither of us would tolerate disrespect toward the country that had made those players wealthy and famous. I expected that we’d miss it. I was wrong.

     When the Wuhan Virus Panic overtook the country and shut down the other two sports we followed – Yankee baseball and New York Rangers hockey – we had to adjust to their absence as well…and wonder of wonders, that proved no more stressful than forsaking pro football. Shortly after that, as those three things were our only reasons for subscribing to cable television, we “cut the cord.” The savings have been nice, but even nicer is the increment to our time to do other, more productive or pleasurable things.

     The Chinese Coronavirus scare has been horribly destructive to American life – it’s cost us a stolen national election, among other things – but as you can see from the above, it’s also been an education of sorts. I wonder what else we’ve learned from it?

2. Politics Uber Alles.

     No doubt you’ve read about this little morality play already:

     Oh, heck no. The Trumpites next door to our pandemic getaway, who seem as devoted to the ex-president as you can get without being Q fans, just plowed our driveway without being asked and did a great job.

     How am I going to resist demands for unity in the face of this act of aggressive niceness?

     Of course, on some level, I realize I owe them thanks — and, man, it really looks like the guy back-dragged the driveway like a pro — but how much thanks?

     These neighbors are staunch partisans of blue lives, and there aren’t a lot of anything other than white lives in neighborhood.

     Miriam Weaver notes:

     [Virginia Heffernan] goes on to suggest, and I’m not making this up, that the kind act of her neighbors is comparable to Hezbollah caring for its elderly and sick population in Lebanon – as a way to gain loyalty….

     Amazingly, Virginia ends her piece with an almost incomprehensible amount of arrogance. She says she can’t offer her neighbors absolution for their support of Trump, but she can offer an invitation for her neighbors to “recognize the truth about the Trump administration” and “work for justice for all those whom the administration harmed.” Because, as she insists, “Only when we work shoulder to shoulder to repair the damage of the last four years will we even begin to dig out of this storm.”

     These…persons, for whom political affiliations and policy differences are cause enough to hate, are the reason for the polarization of the American people. Never, ever believe for a moment that their spokesvermin’s calls for “unity” are anything except a coded demand that we in the Right cease to oppose and resist them.

3. Weaponized Hypochondria.

     I wish I could justify driving to Virginia and buying a car from Eric Peters:

     I went to the live – and let live – store described in my most recent Diaper Report ( see here ) where “masking” isn’t asked about, much less insisted upon, with a friend of mine. We rode in her car, together – Undiapered – neither of us being sick nor afraid of sickness the other hasn’t got.

     We went to this store and enjoyed the company – as well as the sight – of other Undiapered folks, people not turned into quivering hypochondriacs living in panicked dread of sickness and afflicted by the belief that the wearing of a rag over their portals will prevent them from getting a sickness others haven’t got and so can’t give them….

     Later, I got a call from this friend who told me her daughter would not come over for dinner that evening as planned – having learned her mother rode in a car with an Undiapered, Undiapered.

     This friend-of-mine’s daughter – who is a grown woman – was absolutely mortified that her mother would take such a risk as to be in a car with me and in a store with others like me. And like herself as well, since she also doesn’t Diaper.

     The daughter, you see, is a Weaponized Hypochondriac: made so by a campaign of fear porn that’s aimed at destroying American social cohesion and interpersonal trust.

     Please read the whole thing, and reflect on the deeper agenda of those who would frighten us out of our families, friends, and faces.

4. Too Much Data, or Not Enough?

     Several statisticians have presented compelling cases that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. As their cases are probability-based, those who insist on believing otherwise simply dismiss them.

     Several analysts of American electoral results have noted deviations from previous patterns that aren’t “merely” unprecedented, but are so radical as to be all but impossible. But “all but impossible” isn’t quite the same as “impossible, so once again, those who insist on believing otherwise simply dismiss them.

     Many affidavits about underhandedness by election officials have been sworn under oath, all to the effect that systematic cheating occurred in the last six states to file their results. Others have reported on truckloads of ballots being imported across state lines, and voting machines that underweighted votes for Trump and overweighted votes for Biden, or simply transferred Trump votes to Biden. Yet again, those who insist on believing otherwise simply say “they’re lying,” and dismiss them.

     The presidency was stolen. The mountains of evidence and testimony are well beyond conclusive. But really, all you need to know to reach that conclusion is this:

     One candidate hardly campaigned at all. The other was on the stump almost continuously, at dozens of rallies attended by tens of thousands. The former is a mentally deficient corruptocrat barely capable of getting all the way through a sentence without lapsing into gibberish, yet the mainstream media worked tirelessly to suppress all discussion of his many low dealings and those of his family. The latter, whom the media hated and defamed at every opportunity, was the most effective president since Grover Cleveland.

     The rest, as they say, is an exercise for the reader.

5. A Pre-Announcement.

     From 12:00 AM (PST) Saturday February 20 through Monday February 22, my most recent novel will be free of charge at Amazon:

     Gail was a has-been singer from a forgotten band, surviving by performing for small crowds in coffee houses and bars, near to giving up on everything.

     Evan was a venture capitalist, widowed by cancer and robbed of his only child by a car crash, who kept going on momentum alone.

     They were going through the motions, barely clinging to life, until one Friday evening in a central New York bar, when a faint and a spontaneous rescue brought them together.

     Then the music really started.

     Get it while it’s free – and if you enjoy it, please, PLEASE review it!

Once Again, The Culprit is Bacteria!

Crohn’s Disease, a debilitating digestive disease, has been found to be associated with a strain of E. Coli that is unusually good at adhering to the gut walls, and causing inflammation. Not surprisingly, the research will be looking at ways of interrupting the bacteria’s life cycle, in an effort to heal the gut.

So, following other similar discoveries (ulcers and many of the autoimmune diseases), medical researchers have determined that:

  • Gut health – that is, the population of a digestive with GOOD bacteria – is critical to a well-functioning body.
  • Many diseases are caused by changes in the organisms that co-exist with humans. That is, either the organism has mutated into a harmful version, or the relative populations have shifted away from the healthy ‘bugs’.
  • Good health means maintaining a BALANCE in the co-existing organisms.

So, why are so many organisms – harmful to humans – getting a foothold in our populations?

I would be very surprised if the big precursors weren’t

  • Artificial sweeteners – Equal, sucralose, Stevia, and all of the other non-nutritive additions to many people’s diets. Many of them are not mentioned, except in the fine print at the grocery store. Restaurants don’t even list them on the menu. They are added to many other products – chewing gum, cough syrup, and candies, for example.
  • High-Fructose Corn Syrup. By adding so much readily-available food to the micro-organisms diet, the bacteria explode into reproduction. Fighting other organisms for survival, it would be a short step to carving out a niche to improve survival odds – such as sticking more easily to the gut, and therefore surviving longer, to increase offspring.
  • Other drugs that alter the digestive system – any TV ad for the next miracle drug is filled with warnings about the side effects – which can includes digestive problems (and, usually, death – I always love that one – “Get your mild symptoms completely cured! Only a very few of you will DIE!”). I’m not trying to diss those who have a serious disease or condition – sometimes, meds ARE the answer. But, long-term use of medications almost always involves a trade-off – sometimes side effects, sometimes creating another problem that has to be treated with medications. If the initial disease is painful enough, or life-threatening, then the trade-off may be worth it. Just keep in mind, TANSTAAFL.

Stock markets with no foundation in reality.

And now for a glimpse of America’s investment world:

We’ve, thus, [reached the] market’s end time I said we would soon reach if stocks continued to rise above such basic fundamentals [sic] during the COVID era as sales and revenue. At first corporations and their investors agreed upon tricked-up earnings from fancy accounting to lay in their fantasy flight plans. [Gold star for vagueness here, but now it gets good.] Then they inflated earnings for YEARS by stock buybacks because earnings are quoted “per share,” and buybacks reduce the number of outstanding shares. Finally, the sudden stripping away of corporate taxes in the Trump era made earnings that were again looking weak suddenly look great again, but that wasn’t because business was improving; it was just because the bottom line exploded due to fewer taxes being taken out. So, throughout the past decade earnings were not rising because business (the economy) was thriving but because they were distributed over fewer and fewer shares and calculated by fancier and fancier means.

No one cared. No one cares still.

All that mattered was that the headline numbers kept getting better for years. So, the market soared far above the economy. [Trump loved it. Political leadership nowhere to be found.] Eventually, the Robinhood and Reddit crowd said, “Let’s tear all the tethers loose. Real economics haven’t meant diddly squat to this market for a long time now anyway, so let’s not even pretend to care about earnings, let alone sales and revenue or where the COVIDcrash is taking the world economically. Let’s bet this thing to the moon, regardless of the economic reality we are in.”[1]

And hats off to the Robinhood and Reddit crowd who played by the rules established by Wall Street and our vigilant watchdogs in the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) taking care that the United States investment world just could never come to resemble a Bahamanian casino.

Oh, I forgot. While you’re admiring the SEC, don’t forget how the Commerce Department and the State Department looked out for the interests of the American worker when corporate America did grievous damage to our industrial base. And how the Department of Homeland Security safeguarded our borders and sent all those millions of illegals back across the Mexican border. And how the anti-trust warriors in the Department of Justice went after our crippling domestic monopolies like leopard seals after a baby penguin (overheated rhetoric alert!). And how the FBI crucified the AntiFa and Blacks Liberating Merchandise filth burning, looting, and shooting their way across America last year. Plenty of interstate activity THERE, pilgrims! And how the Congress is just merciless when it comes to things like worthless spending projects and nation-killing debt. And how our Ginzu-knife Supreme Court jumped in on electoral theft that’s the envy of Zimbabwe.

God bless the American political class. Doing their utmost to stave off chaos, destruction, and the end of a truly grand experiment in self government.


[1] “DON’T-STOP GAME STOCKS: Bankrupt Companies As Trillion-Dollar Chips in the Wall Street Casino.” By David Haggith, ZeroHedge, 2/6/21.

Edit: “tricked-up earnings from fancy accounting” refers to earnings from “non-GAAP accounting measures.”

The Creeping Pace of Propaganda…

…is accelerating. When will the Official Loyalty Oaths commence?

From the Victory Girls blog.

Some of that – hell, a LOT of that – is driven by fear. Fear that the Progressive March Through the Institutions is not a Sure Thing. Fear that the Left’s hold on the Gears of Power is tenuous. Fear that they might actually have to work for a living again.

And, worst of all, fear that their OWN Conspiracy Theories have a basis in fact. They really DO think that Qanon is about to sweep through the GOP, like a raging infection, and drive them from power.

To believe that, the Left has to be on some serious drugs – or True Believers in their own B$. As most of them are no longer stumbling around in a confused haze (MOST of the time), I’d have to guess that they are dumb enough to be True Believers (hard as it is to think of people quite that stupid in semi-responsible positions).

Do I occasionally dip into the Q Stream? Guilty.

I also read the old Tom Clancy books, and a whole lot of other needs-a-suspension-of-belief-to-be-indulged-in entertainment.

Do I believe in Q’s complicated theories? No.

In real life, people are seldom that prescient, brave, or prepared to die. Given an opportunity, almost all will wimp out and take the solution that lets them live/take a lesser punishment. That’s the guiding principle of the prosecutorial deal system.

All those complicated plans, all those Deep Throat operatives – well, we’ve found them to be laughable, inadequate, and – given almost everyone’s willingness to deal, easily broken.

Unless the judges are first made corrupt.

Second piece of “news” – Time Magazine (gee, I remember when that periodical favored the Right) has come out with an admission that, yes, Big Business DID have its thumb on the scale for Biden-Harris and the Left-But-Not-The-BAD-Kind-of-Left.

As Sarah A. Hoyt says, This is My Surprised Face.

This could be one of the most fertile times for Dissident Literature. Not a lot of money in it, the possibility of being sent to the Gulag is always present, but – OMZ, the Glory!

Similar to being the Official Hated ‘Out’ Party. The Quislings, Wanna-Bes, and Will-Run-Screaming-at-the-First-Opportunity types will be shed. Only those who are willing to stand up in Hard Times will be left.

The Revolution to Restore the Republic cannot be a quick one. It takes a lot of time to get the essential core team honed through battle. If a person is gonna run screaming at the first shot, well, it’s better to know that than to remain ignorant of that fact until the need is critical and the Last Battle is being fought. So, no, I don’t think of the Cowardly GOP’s outing as a bad thing.

We may still use them, for OUR own good. We may put them in fake-influential positions, where they can be cut loose when the need arises. But, they should NEVER AGAIN be admitted to the Inner Circle. They should NEVER AGAIN be trusted with strategy, secrets, or the opportunity to get information that could be leaked. They should be treated with ‘respect’ and permitted to THINK they have our trust. They should be kept ignorant of the identity of any of the core people.

As a strategy, we NLDs (Non-Leftist Dissidents) need to begin looking at who the Core People will be. They should be content to remain in the background, near the officials in power, but not openly identified as such, themselves. In essence, they will be NLD Sleeper Operatives.

This will divide the Core Team into two parts – the Open Supporters, who should be media-savvy and photogenic, and the Sleepers – who need to be crafty, not personally ambitious, and willing to cede History’s adulation to the OS types. Think of Samuel Adams, whose work was core to the Revolution, and yet is best known for the beer named after him. Others were better known; he was the glue that held that fragile alliance together.

Getting back to overarching aims, I was thinking about how history was taught in school when I was young (I graduated in 1969 – no smutty jokes, please). Looking back at the relative importance of movements of the 18th century, as emphasized in the textbooks, I realized that the Progressive Movement was emphasized, rather than the Populist Movement.

I was blessed to have had elderly relations who had some personal knowledge of the events of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, and could explain them in terms of the average person’s life.

If, instead, you depended on the Official Sources for information (such as History.com), you might get the idea that Populism was the tool of vaguely Fascist/Right-Wing/Nefarious politicians, as the linked article suggests. How a site that claims to be dedicated to historical accuracy can ignore the Grange Movement, The People’s Party, and the Greenback Party – all grassroots-driven, popularly supported political initiatives – and instead focus on fringe politicians with popular appeal, is beyond me.

Funnily, these lists of organic uprisings dedicated to the interests of the average person never seem to include those popular-support causes that the Elite are involved in. That would be, because the Elite never get involved in causes that actually favor average people, instead preferring those activities that set Elite privilege in stone, with benefits to be doled out to their supporters in return for their fealty.

Actually caring about the interests of the average person?


Who cares what those pathetic people think?


Before I get suicidal, I’m going to leave you with one last link – this one from Ace of Spades. But, lest you also become miserable in despair, also check out this funny post from Weird Dave at Ace, and keep your hands off the knives in the kitchen.

“Where Do You Get Your Ideas?”

     If you write fiction, it’s inevitable that you’ll be asked the title question. I’ve faced it innumerable times. Typically, it will come after a forlorn announcement by the questioner that “I’d love to write, but I can’t seem to come up with any ideas.” The questionee – that’s you – will be tried to your limits by the effort not to groan.

     There are ideas aplenty out there. A story idea doesn’t have to be perfectly original, as long as it can be presented in a fresh and intriguing (or amusing) way. After all, every story idea must involve people and problems for those people to surmount. For that reason, they’re all similar to one another ab initio.

     If you’re attentive to the trials people suffer in real life, you can snatch a dozen story ideas out of any stroll through an airport waiting lounge, or a bus or railway terminal. Just listen to the exchanges taking place around you. For that matter, listen to your friends and acquaintances, preferably outside their occupational environments. If you’re really listening rather than just waiting for your turn to speak and composing what you intend to say, you’ll get ideas by the bushel.

     What’s that you say? You write in one of the genres? Within some genres, the similarities among stories’ plots can overwhelm everything else about them. How significantly do murder mysteries differ from one another? Or high-medieval fantasies? Or (gulp) urban fantasies about vampires or werewolves? And here’s the Ace kicker: a lot of the readers of those genres stick to them because of the familiarity of their structures and core ideas. They want “more of the same,” rather than something utterly new and challenging.

     There are even ideas to be had from puns. A couple of my novels, and components in others, would not exist if it weren’t for puns that struck me at just the right moment.

     I once had a friend named Stefan, a unique, brilliant fellow who spoke just about every language spoken in Europe, who told me that true mastery of a language occurs when you start to laugh at its puns. I never came near that level of mastery in any of the languages I studied. I’ve yearned for it, vainly, ever since Stefan first described it…but I think it would require actual immersion in the language and its surrounding culture, and that would involve a huge investment of time, among other things.

     What sort of ideas might arise from puns in other tongues? Would they differ greatly from those that occur in English? A source of new, unexplored motifs, perhaps? What if the language in question were Hungarian, which the pro linguists claim bears no discernible relationship to any other known language?

     Say! There’s an idea: a Galactic Federation of races united by an artificial language that’s native to none of them. Admission to the Federation and its attendant benefits requires that the candidate race pass a test: some fraction of its representatives must endure a pun-intensive monologue by some Galactic Johnny Carson figure and laugh / groan at all the right moments. I can just see the examiners shaking their sense-organ clusters over some failed candidacy:

          First examiner: “They just don’t get it.”
          Second examiner: “Maybe you had to be there.”

     I’m certain that with sufficient effort and opportunities for cultural immersion, our brighter linguistic lights could achieve that degree of mastery. (Stefan did, and in about a dozen different tongues, at that.) But would Mankind actually want to be a member of this gang? Or might we declare its members persona non grata throughout the Solar System? The mind reels!

     Go for it, Gentle Readers who are aspiring writers. I’m too busy with other ideas to exploit that one. Write it, and perhaps when you’ve finished it we’ll laugh over it together. Have fun!

The Scary Thing About This…

…is that the Jeffrey Tambour character doesn’t seem all that crazy anymore.

Learning To Live With It

The following snippet is from Robert A. Heinlein’s early novel The Puppet Masters:

     I dialed for him, and told him about the success of the experiments with the apes.
     He nodded. “Yes, I had heard. Sounds good.”
     ” ‘Good’, the man says! Colonel, we are on the one yard line and goal to go. A week from now the game will be won.”
     “Oh, come now!” I answered, irritated by his manner. “In a short time you’ll be able to put your clothes back on and lead a normal life. Or don’t you think our plans will work?”
     “Yes, I think they will work.”
     “Then why the crepe-hanging?”
     Instead of answering directly he said, “Mr. Nivens, you don’t think that a man with my pot belly enjoys running around without his clothes, do you?”
     “I suppose not. As for myself, I’m beginning to find it pleasant. I may hate to have to give it up-saves time and it’s comfortable.”
     “You need not worry about having to give it up. This is a permanent change.”
     “Huh? I don’t get you. You said our plans would work and now you talk as if Schedule Sun Tan would go on forever.”
     “In a modified way, it will.”
     I said, “Pardon me? I’m stupid today.”
     He dialed for another beer. “Mr. Nivens, I never expected to live to see a military reservation turned into a ruddy nudist camp. Having seen it happen, I never expect to see us change back-because we can’t. Pandora’s box has a one-way lid. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men-”
     “Conceded,” I answered. “Things never go back quite to what they were before. Just the same, you are exaggerating. The day after the President rescinds Schedule Sun Tan the suspended blue laws will go into effect and a man without pants will be liable to arrest.”
     “I hope not.”
     “Huh? Make up your mind.”
     “It’s made up for me. Mr. Nivens, as long as there exists a possibility that a slug is alive the polite man must be willing to bare his entire body on request-or risk getting shot. Not just this week and next week but twenty years from now, or a hundred. No, no!” he said, seeing that I was about to interrupt, “I am not disparaging your fine plans-but pardon me if I say that you have been too busy with their details to notice that they are strictly local and temporary. For example-have you made any plans for combing the Amazonian jungles, tree by tree?”
     He went on apologetically, “Just a rhetorical inquiry. This globe has nearly sixty million square miles of dry land; we can’t begin to search it and clean out the slugs. Shucks, man, we haven’t made a dent in the rats and we’ve been at that a long time. Titans are trickier and more prolific than rats.”
     “Are you trying to tell me it’s hopeless?” I demanded.
     “Hopeless? Not at all. Have another drink. I’m trying to say that we are going to have to learn to live with this horror, the way we had to learn to live with the atom bomb.”

     The malady that Nivens and Kelly are discussing in the above is a sentient macroscopic parasite – an amoeba-like creature about the size of a dinner plate – that takes over the afflicted man’s mind and all his decisions. While the campaign against them has achieved a smashing victory, it could never be a complete victory, for the parasites can never be deemed completely extinguished. Thus, the measures instituted for the emergency – i.e., Schedule Sun Tan, a nationwide de facto ban on the wearing of anything that could conceal the parasite – could never be retracted in their entirety.

     That fictional parasite threatened to enslave Mankind completely and permanently. By comparison, the Wuhan Virus merely threatens us with something about as serious as conventional influenza. However, viruses, once they enter the Earth’s biosphere, never go completely away. Like the fictional inhabitants of Heinlein’s novel, we’re going to have to learn to live with the Kung Flu. What will that entail?

     The first requirement will be the radical de-escalation of the Pandemic Panic. A high percentage of Americans have been scared out of their wits, largely by a campaign of “fear porn.” They’ve been living radically constricted lives for almost a year – and to what end? Except for those with aged family members who suffer serious co-morbidities, the constraints have cost them far more than the exceedingly modest peril the Chinese Lung Rot poses. It is impossible to conduct normal American society when half or more of the nation is paralyzed with fear.

     The second requirement will be the acceptance by Americans that some among us will remain fearful, even extremely fearful. In any interaction with them, we who are less burdened with fear will be expected to accommodate their concerns. It’s easy to see what that will mean for retail commerce, a bit harder to envision the effect upon non-commercial society. The most fearful among us might become hermits in effect. Those slightly less burdened might demand that the rest of us wear masks, “social distance,” and obsessively wash our hands after every contact with any surface or object.

     The third requirement will be general acceptance that people will fall ill with the Kung Flu…and that some will die. If the statistics amassed to date continue to hold, the disease will prove lethal to about 3 out of every 1000 persons infected. That makes the virus just one more among the many we already suffer.

     The very fearful will continue to hope for a vaccine that genuinely immunizes the patient against the virus over the long term. At this time, there is no such vaccine. The ones already devised confer partial immunity that lasts for less than a year. Moreover, those vaccines are reported to possess side effects that can be more serious than the disease itself. Whether these problems will ever be conquered, no one knows.

     One way or another, the Chinese Coronavirus is here to stay, and we must learn to live with it: live, not cower in terror, and certainly not consign ourselves to a living death.

Watching Some Videos

I’m generally a reader. I read fast (over 1,000 words/minute, unless it’s very technical or containing unfamiliar concepts), which makes it my preferred way to get information.

But, most people – particularly those in the 40 and under crowd – are not like that. They prefer to get their information through video.

So, I decided to make the time to start working at improving my consumption of documentaries/commentary-type videos, and pass along some recommendations.

One of those recommendations is “Thomas Sowell: Common Sense in a Senseless World”. It tells the story of Sowell’s life and influences, through interviews with those who’ve known and interacted with him, through interviews, and in his own written words. It’s a great introduction to his body of work, and should provide some incentive to read it.

The Calculus of Genocide

This is an edited and updated version of an article I posted in January of 2013 at my website. It seems timely.

It is rare for those who commit evil acts to openly acknowledge that their actions are evil, even to themselves. Very often the evil-doer will justify his actions to himself and others by claiming some over-riding superior purpose or moral imperative which supposedly outweighs the ‘disadvantages’ of the evil act, or by altering his perception of his target, or both. Historically, when action against a particular group is envisioned, (for the greater good of course,) that group is often depersonalized or demonized prior to action being taken. After all, if the subjects of your depredations aren’t human, and if they won’t do what they’re told, then whatever happens to them is their own fault, isn’t it? “Look at what you made me do!” Such wicked moral inversions are common among those who commit evil acts.

Some of those who wield authority in these presently united States are engaging in exactly this sort of psychopathic behavior. Characterization of those who respect the Constitution and the rights of the individual as ‘bitter clingers,’ ‘extremists’ or even ‘terrorists’ are an effort to depersonalize those who oppose the present stampede towards collectivist totalitarianism. But those who presently wield authority have a problem. Not only are most of those who oppose them armed, and resolutely intent on retaining their arms, but the government does not know who they are or what weapons they possess. Further, most of those who support the push towards victim disarmament are unarmed, and an unknown number of police and military members would probably fight on the side of the Liberty movement. The Left and their allies recognize this, which is why we have seen various attempt to legislate away our rights.

Opposing these totalitarian thugs are over 100 million gun owners in the various united States, owning hundreds of millions of guns, including an unknown number of unlicensed and unregistered ‘illegal’ machine guns. Obviously those who possess such arms, possession of which is severely punished, do not admit to owning such, so the real number will never be known, but various estimates range from 200,000 to a million or more. These possessors are already willing to defy the law. Of the 100 million plus legal firearms owners in these presently united States, surveys show at least half appear utterly determined to retain their arms. The huge surge in firearms purchases since the November 2020 election and the ongoing demand for ammunition argues powerfully that many Americans intend to maintain their rights.

It is impossible for those presently in authority to clamp down hard enough quickly enough on enough of these people to be certain that they could prevail in a civil war. Unless they knew who owned the guns, and especially who owned arms of military utility. That allows all sorts of incremental pressure to be put onto such persons, one by one, rather like the way a pack of hyenas extracts their prey from the herd. Over time, if they knew who the gun-owners were, the authorities could marginalize, harass and penalize gun owners for their ‘unacceptable individualism.’ The Left, in an obvious attempt to consolidate their hold on the reins of power, are aware of this, and have introduced legislation, HR 127, to require universal registration of firearms and firearms owners, along with political reliability interviews, permits, harassment of firearms owners, and a variety of other violations of the individual right to own weapons.

This bill departs from the past gradualism of the Left, and is a direct frontal assault upon the right to bear arms, changing it to a permission, which is clearly intended to target those in the Liberty movement. This bill, if passed in any part, can be expected to ignite an extremely bloody revolt. Given the control that the Left and their allies in the Fourth Branch presently have over the Federal authority, the result of such a revolt is not certain, but what is certain is that such a conflict would be ugly beyond words. Regardless of the outcome, many on the Right would lose a great deal, up to and including their lives.

Why would gun owners engage in such a conflict? The honeyed voice of the tyrannical Left is already asking, yet again, “What is wrong with registering your weapons and getting a license? Do we want deranged individuals buying weapons from ‘private dealers?’ Why won’t you people be reasonable? Guns are dangerous!”

Those gun owners who have studied history know the answer- “NO! We have tolerated too many infringements already. Much of what you decry as “gun violence” is the entirely predictable result of the Left’s policies of victim disarmament. It has been abundantly proven that locations where the law-abiding are armed are more peaceful and less violent. It is utterly unreasonable for you to ask me to surrender any more of my rights because of the perfectly predictable result of your victim disarmament policy. WE are not the people burning and looting our cities!” Gun owners know that criminals will not obey the law and will not be disarmed. The insanity of expecting the deranged or the criminal to play by the rules has been repeatedly demonstrated. This push for universal registration is not about ‘public safety’, for if public safety were a real concern for the Left, the thugs looting and burning the cities controlled by the Left would be in prison now. The Right can see what is going on. The purpose of the Left is obvious- to disarm their enemies, just as has been done by every totalitarian regime that ever took power. History shows us the dangers of allowing any government, especially a totalitarian government, to know who is armed.

Some years ago I had an interesting conversation with one of my favorite in-laws, an aunt who has since passed on. She was not Jewish but married to a Jew and was extremely upset by her discovery of the some of the information available on the Internet. She had apparently found out that there are various publishers who sell books on all sorts of topics, including explosives manufacture, how to make machine guns and flamethrowers, and all sorts of other topics involving applied violence. She fumed, “It’s absurd! Nobody needs that sort of information! That simply shouldn’t be allowed!” I calmly replied, “Really? Why don’t you tell the Jews in Warsaw that?” “Warsaw?” she replied, puzzled, “I’ve been to Warsaw, and there aren’t any Jews in Warsaw!” At that point, her Jewish husband leaned over towards her and very quietly said, “Dear, you had better quit while you are behind.”

Her husband knew, as his wife apparently did not, that Warsaw in 1939 had the largest Jewish community in Europe, about 375,000 Jews out of 1.3 million or about 30% of the population. While there are in fact presently a few hundred Jews in Warsaw, Poland today, they are but a tiny fraction of the vibrant Jewish community that existed in Warsaw and throughout Poland prior to the division of that country between Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany in 1939. Most of the former Jewish inhabitants were murdered by the Nazis during WW2; the survivors emigrated, to Israel, Europe or the United States after WW2.

Warsaw was the site of one of the most famous episodes of Jewish resistance to the Nazis during the Holocaust, the Warsaw Ghetto uprising.  Fewer than a hundred Jews resisted the Wehrmacht, SS and Gestapo for over a month with only a small handful of small arms. Almost all of these Jews died, a grim example of people fighting with no hope of victory, simply because it is better to die fighting. My uncle-in-law knew that the Jews of Poland would never have been in that Ghetto and would never have been exterminated in German death camps, had they each possessed arms, military munitions, and the willingness to use them. The Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto desperately needed arms, but had almost none.

The point of this little vignette is that the German weapons control laws did not disarm the Jews on Kristalnacht (November 9th and 10th, 1938,  which was the start of the Nazi attempt to exterminate European Jewry.) The disarmament of the Jews began many years before, with ‘reasonable’ registration and licensing laws, not only in Germany, but throughout most of Europe, which got less and less reasonable over time. Once disarmed, it became safe to blame the Jews, for the Germans knew that they had no arms. They had the records, the registrations, and they took the Jew’s guns, first in Germany and then in the countries that they conquered. After the Jews were disarmed, then they took the Jew’s property, their freedom, and ultimately, their lives. This is by no means the only example of what happens when people allow themselves to be disarmed.

Time after time, history tells us that registration is followed later by confiscation, and once disarmed, by extermination; it is a routine practice of totalitarian governments. It is the one of the definitions of totalitarian government, together with demonizing their opposition, censorship and violation of property rights. It has happened dozens of times in the last century alone.

Weapon registration leads to confiscation. Confiscation leads to repression and ultimately to extermination. Registration=Confiscation=Death. THIS is the calculus of genocide.

Even a child can integrate that calculus problem, and it is to protect our persons and our rights, and those of all such children and all the rest of us out there, that the gun owners of these united States remain opposed to ANY further infringements on our individual rights. When the honeyed voice of the tyrant asks us yet again to ‘be reasonable!’ we remember the calculus of genocide. We also remember that the Left have baldly stated that their opponents ought to be sent to “re-education camps.” The historical parallels are chilling, making the intent of those presently in power clear.

We know what happens next and just as the beleaguered gun owners of New York and Connecticut have done, we say NO. We remember the calculus of genocide and we say that not only will we not give up our weapons, we will NOT register them, or ourselves.

We will NOT ask permission for our rights.

We will NOT get a license.

We will NOT register our weapons, their accessories or their ammunition.

We will NOT comply.

Anyone who promotes or supports the insidious evil of weapon registration advocates mass murder. That is the lesson of the calculus of genocide.

Remembering the Holocaust, we say, “NEVER AGAIN!”

With regard to all who seek the Light,


The Importance of Having a Wide Net

I read pretty much everything I run across. Even, at times, the Leftist stuff.

I may get into a few paragraphs, think “Holy Sh**, this guy is WACK!” and back out, erasing any breadcrumbs I left.

Other times, I will use a clearly erroneous or partisan essay as a springboard to a blog post.

And, sometimes, I read from sources that, while I disagree with them in many things, they have both information and a point of view that I need to know about. Such a source is Reason.

As their name might suggest, they think of themselves as the dispassionate, cerebral kind of thinkers, that coolly look at an issue, dissect it without bias, and can formulate an essay explaining the best approach, purely from scientific reasoning.

Don’t believe it. Reason has bias, just like any other source. However, they are LESS likely to be reflexively Leftist in their positions than most, and also less likely to automatically call ‘Anathema!’ on any ideas coming from the NLDs (Non-Leftist Dissidents).

This is a good one to print out, set in public places, and use as a starting point for getting people to back off on solutions that guarantee to pulverize the extreme right, and consider just how bad these Leftist ideas are.

“Journalists and media-theoreticians right now think the solution to Trumpy delusion is to deplatform even sitting U.S. senatorssic the feds on Fox News, break up Big Tech, reject “bothsidesism,” use the most maximally negative adjectives to describe Republicans, and reposition journalism as a tool for producing better democratic outcomes through applied moral clarity.

I think those approaches will backfire. Deliberately shrinking the public square is no way to persuade consumers on the edges of the debate. Injecting more moralizing into fact-gathering is unlikely to make the end product more factual. Giving the government more power over the rules and practice of free speech is, well, dystopian.”

The Biden people, and the Congress, need to get it together, and rein in those zealots. If they keep this up, the Open Civil War will be a-starting Real Soon.

Hard Truth

     I’ve long been an admirer of Ace of Spades HQ and its eponymous proprietor. Ace has a gift for the penetrating phrase, the ultimately concise expression of an important truth. Just yesterday, he fired off one that’s probably his best ever. No, I’m not going to present it baldly; it must be contextualized for best impact.

     The context was a statement by a former high official of the Central Intelligence Agency:

     When it comes to domestic extremists such as those who stormed the Capitol, a longtime CIA officer argues that the U.S. should treat them as an insurgency.

     That means using counterinsurgency tactics — similar in some ways to those used in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

     Robert Grenier served as the CIA’s station chief for Pakistan and Afghanistan in 2001. He went on to become the CIA’s Iraq mission manager and then director of the CIA Counterterrorism Center from 2004 to 2006.

     “We may be witnessing the dawn of a sustained wave of violent insurgency within our own country, perpetrated by our own countrymen,” Grenier wrote in The New York Times last week. And without national action, he argues, “extremists who seek a social apocalypse … are capable of producing endemic political violence of a sort not seen in this country since Reconstruction.”

     Pretty dramatic, eh? It conjures up visions of FBI / CIA “midnight raids” of the homes of “insurrectionists;” loyalty drives akin to those of the House Unamerican Activities Committee; drone strikes against Americans in America. Could we be facing such developments in the near future?

     Ace points out the ground-truth reality that underpins it all:

Violence Privilege is the one true real privilege.

     And it is so.

     I’ve yet to move the relevant essays here from the old site, so please excuse the lack of a link. I once wrote:

     A class is defined by its legal and social privileges. The aristocrats of medieval times were not distinguished by their lineages or their deeds, but by the things they were allowed to do, without penalty, that commoners were not. There is reason to believe that the majority of medieval aristocrats were fairly responsible stewards of their lands and of public order within them. That does not justify the creation of a class of men who could wield high, middle, and low justice over others, but who would normally escape all consequences for deeds for which a commoner would be severely punished.

     The American response to the failings of traditional aristocracies was the Rule of Law: the fundamental principle that the law must treat all men impartially, regardless of their identities or station in life. The old shorthand for this principle was “blind justice,” meaning that the law must not see one’s person, only one’s deeds. In a society that respects the Rule of Law, a king would stand in the same dock as a trash-hauler, were the two accused of the same offense. All that would matter would be the evidence for their guilt or innocence.

     In the absence of a scrupulously observed Rule of Law, classes with differing degrees of privilege will emerge. The flourishing of the members of each class will be influenced, often heavily, by the class’s privileges and how effectively they can be exploited. Men being what we are, we will be moved to use those privileges in our own interest, both against competitors within our class and against other classes.

     Success breeds emulation. If there are advantages to be had from the ruthless exploitation of a class privilege, over time more and more members of the class will be drawn into doing so. Thus, the coloration given to the class by its privileges will become stronger and more inclusive over time.

     This is not an unbounded progression; as in all other things, a tendency toward equilibrium will ultimately assert itself. However, the mechanisms by which equilibrium is restored are always unpleasant. The deterrents that curb full exploitation of a class privilege, if any exist at all, will be applied by other classes, whether through the law, other social institutions, or “informally.” “Informally” usually means lynching: the application of extra-judicial, often unmerited punishment to members of one class by members of another. In the usual case, the lynchers come from a more numerous class than the lynchees, though there are occasional exceptions.

     Lynching, if it goes unpunished, is itself a class privilege. There are satisfactions in it that are incomprehensible to moral men who live in ordinary times. As with other activities with innate satisfactions, the popularity of the practice will grow over time. A mob that’s tasted the blood of one aristocrat is seldom satisfied with just that one sip.

     Lynching writ large is genocide.

     Ponder that for a few moments while I put up another pot of coffee.

     Implied, not expressed, in the above citation from my well-known piece “The New Segregationists” is the foundation of privilege: the ability to enforce one’s class privileges. Two conditions are required for this:

  1. A preponderance of effective force in the hands of the privileged class;
  2. The tacit approval of whoever controls the State.

     Concerning item #1, effective force is force that is actually deployed, as opposed to “potential force:” i.e., weapons and the ability to use them that “stay home.” For example, there are approximately 100 million Americans who possess one or more firearms, which constitutes the largest potential force that has ever existed. However, the 30,000 troops currently garrisoning Washington, D.C. constitute a preponderance of effective force, for no greater body of arms and wielders has arisen to challenge them.

     The privileged aristocrats of medieval Europe maintained their privileges through a social system founded on monarchy, nobility, primogeniture, and other concepts that Americans have never respected, much less observed. They lived, in Isabel Paterson’s famous phrase, in Societies of Status, in which one’s personal identity and lineage determined what privileges one possessed. The Constitution’s prohibitions on titles of nobility made explicit that the law is to make no status distinctions in these United States.

     But persons who claim special status have always been among us. In America, they’re not born to noble families. Here, they go into politics and government. Those who rise sufficiently high acquire many privileges. Some acquire the power to confer privileges on others as well.

     The method of government is coercion. Its expressions are violence and intimidation. Those things require weapons and persons willing to wield them. The aristocrats and knights of medieval Europe were the only persons who could legally own lethal weapons. The privileged ones of contemporary America don’t wield weapons themselves. However, they command “the forces of order:” our military and the police forces that act at the behest of our 88,000 governments.

     Without those tools, no degree of privilege could be maintained.

     Consider in light of the above the riots that have reduced so many American cities to rubble. The rioters constituted a force of sorts, though they were largely unarmed and usually unorganized. The police of the afflicted cities were instructed to stand aside and let them “act out.” As citizen militias dedicated to preserving life and property did not materialize, there was no effective force to impede the rioters. They got away with immense amounts of violence, vandalism, and theft.

     The riots demonstrated with a deadly clarity what privilege means in contemporary America—and who possesses it.

     The heavily armed American citizenry is similarly passive at this time. We constitute a potential force that could bring the Usurper Administration crashing to earth, but we lack the will and the organization to do so. Thus, the preponderance of effective force remains with the Usurpers. They will exercise their privileges freely and openly unless and until a larger force arises to confront them…which might mean forevermore.

     Should the Usurpers choose to wield their forces against political opponents and dissidents, Americans who believe in the Constitutional compact and the liberty of the individual will face a severe test. That test may already be under way; it’s too soon to tell. Whatever may arise, the hard truth of the matter is this: all privileges are maintained by force and the willingness to use it.

     Violence is the root of all privilege.

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