Francis W. Porretto

Mount Sinai, NY USA

Author's posts

Christian Conundrums

“The best of questions have no answers. The best of answers need no questions.” – David Cousins –      If you’re blessed / cursed with my sort of thought process, you’re also likely to find yourself pondering abstruse questions for which definitive answers are lacking. Such questions abound, especially for one who has embraced faith …

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Tirade #2

     Stand back, Gentle Reader. This could get ugly. I’m about to vent. ***      Mostly, I eschew watching videos of more than two or three minutes’ duration. I read very fast, and I much prefer to absorb information that way. Thus, the time spent watching a video is almost always several times what reading …

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Tucker Is Almost There…

     Listen to him and ask yourself how much further he has to go:      I’d say it’s not far at all. Remember: “Did you really think that we want those laws to be observed?” said Dr. Ferris. “We want them broken. You’d better get it straight that it’s not a bunch of boy scouts …

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Can They Possibly Be That Blatant?

     It seems incredible…but their shamelessness might just be our best weapon against them:      The World Economic Forum—an annual meeting of international business leaders, political figures, and other elites—is well underway in Davos, Switzerland. One of the topics of discussion on Monday was “The Clear and Present Danger of Disinformation,” presented by former CNN …

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I First Saw This A Long Time Ago

     …and I’ve only just found it again:      It’s a brilliant visual encapsulation of a famous Lysander Spooner quote:      The secret ballot is fundamentally wrong. Two elections in a row have demonstrated its perniciousness – and that’s for people who continue to think there’s anything good about government. Now consider that anyone …

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Dead Giveaways Dept.

     Sometimes laughter isn’t just the best medicine, it’s the only medicine:      Bringing cake into the office should be seen as harmful to your colleagues in the same way as passive smoking, the chairwoman of Britain’s top food watchdog has said.      Professor Susan Jebb, of the Food Standards Agency, speaking personally and not …

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A Giant Mound Of Infant Corpses

     I know of no way to verify this, but I tend to trust the source:      [T]hough all such numbers are a bit uncertain, roughly 55 million people die, globally, every year. And numerous public health organizations intensely scrutinize the slightest increase or decrease in mortality, in a laudable effort to identify what factors …

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How Shall I Proclaim Thee “Not All There?”

     Let me count the ways… His elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top. His bread isn’t done in the center. The lights are on but nobody’s home. His oil doesn’t reach the dipstick. He’s a few sandwiches short of a picnic. He’s a nugget or two short of a Happy Meal.      …

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The Process Observed

     Every now and then, a case of the Left’s victimism-power tactic is played out where we can see it. You know the sequence: An “oppressed group” pleads for tolerance. Once tolerance has been obtained, the plea changes to social acceptance. Once acceptance is in hand, the group presses for mandatory inclusion. Inclusion having been …

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Sadly, The Other Shoe Will Drop

     I’m sure you’ve read about the handful of schools in Virginia – government-run schools, of course – that suppressed announcements that several of their inmates students had won National Merit Scholarships. These days, it would hardly seem out of the ordinary. “Equal Outcomes For Every Student!” shrieks the mission statement of the Fairfax County …

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National Security, Or Job Security?

     If I remember correctly, Eric Adams got the Democrat Party nod for the mayoralty of New York City because he was once a cop. However, there are quite a lot of former NYC cops: more today than ever before, in fact. I have no idea what makes Adams special…unless it’s that he’s black. At …

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“But It Was In A Good Cause!”

     Every now and then, the Left’s claim of immunity to the law due to its moral superiority is revealed in the light of day. We have a fresh example in connection with the infamous Hunter Biden laptop:      Last summer, then-House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said that House Republicans would demand answers from the …

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This Requires Explanation…

     …though it comes as no surprise:      The Justice Department considered having FBI agents monitor a search by President Biden’s lawyers for classified documents at his homes but decided against it, both to avoid complicating later stages of the investigation and because Mr. Biden’s attorneys had quickly turned over a first batch and were …

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It’s Not News…

     …but at least someone else is willing to say it:      One overriding principle of the new Democratic Party is asymmetry—or the notion that the Left’s moral superiority earns absolute exemption from the very methods they employ against their opponents.      You would think that in a nation in which fairness is one of …

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Budget? What Budget?

     About three decades ago, a reporter for Reason magazine asked a sitting Congressman of conservative inclination, “Will Congress ever pass a budget that’s even one dollar less than the previous year?” The Congressman replied flatly “No.”      Well, at least he was candid. And as the years since have demonstrated, he was a realist …

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Money Laundering 101

     Money is like matter and energy. That is, it obeys a law of continuity. Every dollar must come from somewhere and go to somewhere. Yea verily, even if the destination is an incinerator.      He who attempts to “launder” ill-gotten gains must respect that law. He must prepare to be called to account – …

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Charles Manson Might Have Called It Accurately

     You have to be fairly old, and have an unusually good memory for atrocities involving celebrities, to remember the details of the Manson Family murders. One that tends to slip recall is the prophecy Charles Manson laid upon his followers:      Manson believed in what he called “Helter Skelter”, a term he took from …

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Statist In A Cleft Stick Dept.

     Men of good will should celebrate every event that compels the evil-minded to show their true colors. This is nowhere more important than when an individual right is under threat. An episode of this kind occurred just yesterday in upstate New York:      That’s all the specific information I have on this incident. The …

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Allies And Enemies Of Nature

     A dynamic is a tendency powered by natural needs and drives, and the incentives that pertain to them. Of course, there’s quite a bit of static thrown about concerning what’s natural and what isn’t. However, the people who claim that drives built into our bodies and minds are merely the consequences of our upbringing …

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     Good morning, Gentle Readers! Today is a very special day, for several reasons. For one thing, it’s Martin Luther King Jr, Day. On the third Monday of January each year, we commemorate the life and achievements of that famous icon of plagiarism and philandering that helped to make the Sixties a decade to be …

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